USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

So they are going off their usual m.o. and the 30th it is! Good stuff. Surprised they are going days after the UCs - this is really different for them.

Now we just need to know when scholarships decisions are, but this was great info @aSliceofPizza!

@dar222 They def admitted more with covid concerns last year. It was about 9k in 2016 and 2017, but in 2018 and 2019 it was high 7k to lower 8k. So it floats between 7800-9K depending on expectations on enrollment and sometimes adjusting for over or under enrollment from the prior year.

The kids that took a gap year have to reapply this year to USC, they were not granted a gap/leave which I assume jumps in apps at a lot of schools also include those students applying for a second time.


did this go out to school counselors? From Kirk Brennan?

“Scholarship decisions will be released by April 1.”

Last year, USC admitted 9,618 of the 59,712 that applied (16.1%) and ended up with a yield rate of 36%. 3,460 enrolled. Their target yearly is closer to 3,000 enrollees as a freshman class.

In the year before last year, USC had seen a staggering # of applicants… 66,198, so the #s fell last year. They were then only able to admit 7,558 or 11.4%. They ended up with a yield rate of 41.9%, as 3,168 enrolled.

So this year, they apparently have received almost 70K applicants and have agreed to admit 8,100 in total (around 11.6%). They are thus projecting a yield rate of around 37%. Back on Valentine’s Day, I projected a yield rate of 38.95%. So… the real # should be fairly close. Two years ago - it ended up being an unexpected 42%. They really do aim for circa 3,000 enrolled freshmen, so it is clearly a challenge to try and orchestrate such a result with so many applying.

Good luck to those awaiting a decision by month’s end. 7,100 of you will receive the good news… joining the 1,000 already admitted during the merit announcement round.

For those who are disappointed, and there will be way too many of you, hopefully you have a solid option elsewhere. USC is a great school… but it’s also only one of many such great colleges and universities across the nation.


The yield rate should go down this year. More people are applying to more colleges. I am not sure why they think the yield rate will go up this year compared to last year?


i was thinking the same

Well, when it comes to yield rate projections, it is likely only an educated guess - and no matter who is guessing. In 2019, it was 41.9%. Last year, it fell to 36% during the height of COVID. And now, it seems that they are only projecting something slightly higher… 37%. My guess is still higher… and more in the middle, 38.95%… and an enrolled class of 3,155… which they can handle. What they do not really want again is something closer to 3,500 in the next freshman class- which created a # of issues a couple cycles ago.

Time will tell…

I would like some advice, I am freaking out a bit here. When my son got the Feb. notification that he is in the regular decision pool, he did NOT see the requirement to submit mid semester grades, and our high school does not do it automatically! I just realized this in reading some of the above posts. I uploaded the unofficial document to his portal a few minutes ago and told him to tell his counselor to upload the official version ASAP. But, as we know, decisions come out in 2 weeks. Do you think this significant oversight and lateness in getting it in has disqualified him from consideration? I also advised him to email his AO immediately. USC is his top choice. I feel sick.

I don’t think not submitting mid semester grades would disqualify him. At worst, he may be slightly disadvantaged, especially if those grades were good. And who knows, you may even have submitted the unofficial grades on time.

His AO should be able to reply to tell you if they got it/are reviewing it within the next few days. You should be fine. Though they would’ve asked for his Mid-Year Transcript a little bit ago? It’s all odd at the moment, but better late than never, hoping the best for your son.

Thank you!

delete, wrong thread!

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@vhsdad Did you mean to post that in USC…or maybe I missed some converstation above?

Did everyone get the USC email with info about release date?

By the looks of it, it was sent to Guidance counselors.

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I did not receive this. When was this sent out?

oh okay thanks! got worried for a sec hahah

it was apparently only sent to counselors not students

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No. They are not shy within USC Admissions. AOs ask for what they need via email if applicable. They asked when both of my daughters applied previously. In one case, they even emailed a form of their own creation to replicate what the GC had already submitted. My point is that they tend to ask for what they need. USC FA is no different. Good luck…

Does that mean asking for mid-year transcripts may be a good or bad thing? Am I an on-the-fence applicant then?