USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Ah. Did not know that. Thank you for the correction.

Keep an eye on required documents on FAST. Sometimes it will appear as if everything is complete and you go on your merry way, but they may add a required document or even ask for something again (it’s happened, ugh). Good to get in the habit of eyeballing it regularly until everything is really done done.

And I think “experiencing a high volume of calls” is their normal m.o. :slight_smile:


Does everyone who applied by the Dec 1 scholarship deadline receive an admissions decision late January/mid Febuary? Or do only those who are chosen/being considered for scholarships receive admission decisions early? Also, if anyone knows the particular date admission decisions are released based on past years, that would be helpful too :slight_smile:

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Only those who are chosen/being considered for scholarships receive admission decisions early. Last year everyone else found out on Tuesday, March 30th.


Usually around March 24th, but correct above, last year was a week later than it had been in past several years. Scholarship decisions were also later though. Typically they had been around Jan 24-25ish. Everything slid about 7-10 days later than usual.

They also post to your portal if you don’t get a scholarship with a letter saying, sorry no soup for you, but you are still be considered for acceptance in March.


USC Financial Aid often asks for things directly. And they expect you to upload them through FAST. Having already submitted them through CSS will not suffice. Often, they request the same item(s) even more than once. Sometimes, they will even invent a new request, meaning that they want you to generate a letter or explanation to upload. The key thing is to simply take it all in stride and supply whatever they ask for… even if you have already submitted it directly to them before. There is no point in arguing or trying to explain that they already have it. Simply give it to them again if they ask for it again. My advice is to just get used to it. We dealt with it for two students and eight FA cycles. But generally speaking, the FAO will replicate many requests for items already submitted to CSS. And as stated above, your FAST portal can seem complete time after time, but then they may simply ask for something new or for you to replicate a submission. So maybe get used to checking it often. Or, if you ignore it, they will eventually email you too, telling you to check FAST. Good Luck…


I remember having to upload a letter saying that we do not have the document requested and the reason why (ex. my student didn’t make enough money to file taxes). It seemed silly and kind of obvious but that is what they wanted.


@WWWard @CADREAMIN Do you think there will still be these white boxes with the omicron, or do you think it will be notification by email? Are admissions staff on campus now that learning for students is remote until the 24th?

They didn’t do the white boxes last year but my daughter did get two separate packages with goodies on two other days after the admission decision which was via email and portal.


I hope they go back to the boxes. I love good presentation. :slight_smile:


This is a great question. If they have been remote doesn’t seem like they could be preparing the white boxes.


Are notifications typically made on a certain day of the week? Last year they came out on a Friday night.

I wonder- my daughter is at USC and while she is there now for a couple days, she’s coming back home for another week as she prefers zooming from home.

That’s so interesting. Mine has more difficulty focusing at home and prefers zooming at school.

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Hopefully so. They are a great keepsake and rather impressive.

I do not know for sure, but I suspect that the admissions staff is on campus. I would just assume that it is easier to work through all the files in that manner. But I am sure that they will get the process completed either way. And hopefully they can resume their normal timeline vs the one delayed by a week or so at each stage last cycle.

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For what it is worth, they are currently offering student led in-person tours.

Considering the numbers in LA right now (over 40K cases/day, 20% positivity), they are probably encouraging people to work from home. The university is not shut down so some employees are on campus but I think it more their choice or if it is a necessity. Could white boxes be considered a necessity? Maybe. :grin:

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USC offered in-person tours for the past 3-4 months. We visited USC in-person.

Yes, but since classes are virtual now and numbers are high, student led tours might be something that was put on hold. I was pointing out that they were not.


I saw just now on my Instagram feed a post from USC basically saying come and visit- with a montage of photos. Interesting! Just need the Trojan check.


I think you need to show proof of vaccination as well. Campus Tours

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