USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

It is very college dependent. Some schools have multiple stoles in different colors for the different orgs and graduates layer them like leis. Speaking of leis, they are very popular for special events and graduations.


Yes - just ordered a lei for my sons’s HS graduation. Too bad my (our) D20s never got that experience!

Personalizing the sashes is very big at USC. Lots of options around your degree, school, country etc. As a double major, I can say my Ds was fabulous with a degree and school represented on each side of the sash with lots of color and pop. The company they use does Incredible work, quality all the way (which you pay for of course, but so worth it). Truly a work of art, I think she should box frame that thing somehow.

Another of mine chose to have less “decor” on theirs and it was still super pretty. I do know one of mine at another school didn’t have the options and had a pretty plain sash. I found that a bit disappointing as laying out your sash is a cool thing to do and can really represent your experience at your school.


If future students can get Will Ferrell to come back again and be the speaker at graduation, do it! By far the best speaker I have heard, he was recognized in 2017 as the best from all the schools speakers. It is available online and a classic.

You don’t have to like him or his work to appreciate his greatness when he is representing USC as the commencement speaker. He set a high bar, others since then have been pretty meh.

I think this year’s speech was too much “look what I did and what I achieved.” It was an “all about me” speech. Pleasant enough to listen to but the words and message got lost in the “I did this and that blah blah blah.” I have been to so many of these that I may be a harsher judge.

I will say, USC does know how to throw a party and event. Done big and amazing every time.

Congrats to her!

Your final college graduation.

The end of an era. :v:



A new era begins. I need to email you and catch up, will soon!


Excellent stories to hold on to.

And your Trojan journey outpaces my family’s and by far. I only had two daughters attend during a span of seven years… with one overlap year.

But in many ways (other than financial), so sad to see those USC years behind us. Of course they will remain a part of the Trojan Family forever.

Sounds good…

D just got her dorm assignment, Birnkrant double. That was her top choice!


Same for my daughter! She’s so excited!!


Birkrant is fantastic.


Birnkrant for my son too!

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Birnkrant was my first choice and I didn’t get it :frowning:

I am sorry. My daughter had a really early time/date stamp and trust that helped a lot.


Me and my roommate both submitted ours the day the app was open, I guess so many people were going for Birnkrant this year. It is what is it, I’m in a 5 person Parkside IRC suite which I’m happy with still

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There really isn’t a bad choice. I had one in Parkside and he made a giant group of lifelong friends. His suite was huge. Marks, Pardee and Birkrant is like one big dorm.

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Parkside would have been my first choice! Congrats!!

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What move in dates did everyone get?

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Aug 17th

My daughter is attending in person orientation 6/17 but it only allows one parent for free to attend. Is it worth paying the additional $130 for the 2nd parent to come too or is the online session just as good?

Can one of the moderators explain how requesting a reassignment works? How likely do they work out?