USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

My daughter is a sophomore in the school of architecture and their faculty has confirmed live in person on Monday. Thank goodness.


Thanks, mine has been receiving updates from professors but hasn’t received an email from the university. I think they usually send things out on Friday afternoons so maybe it will be sent today.

It was sent from the health dept/person per my daughter. I didn’t actually see it, she just told me she got something yesterday.


They admit all these high stat students who have many other options. Maybe they should admit slightly lower stat students who are more likely to attend


Good luck to your daughter! So, later scholarships are possible, although much smaller than the biggies granted in January notification cycle. The Associates is the only biggie that has surprised people, and there are only 10 of those, and are given out around/after March decisions and they are worth 18K per year.

If really interested, some USC scholarships are administered by organizations outside the Office of Admission. These generally require a separate application, have varying deadlines and eligibility requirements and may or may not require an interview. Application deadlines may be after notifications are sent, but I found after being “essay conditioned” and doing all the regular college applications, these scholarship apps are pretty easy for them to knock out. The Town & Gown is a 10K scholarship that has been around forever.
Town & Gown of USC
There are also scholarships based on many demographics - race, location, LGTBQ, first gen, etc.

You can check out many scholarships (and get overwhelmed) at USC’s Scholarship Universe.
USC Scholarship Universe

Here’s the general page that links to above:

Also check the website for the school student is applying to - there may be others not on Scholarship Universe.


USC’s admit class profile has great stats but not extraordinary like the ivy leagues. I know a lot of people who’ve gotten in with 1300 - mid 1400 SAT scores, which is pretty lenient for a school with such low acceptance rate. And obviously they won’t pick under-qualified applicants in a pool of 70k applicants. But there are many perfect stat students who get rejected too.


They turn away 3,000+ applicants with perfect GPA’s and 99 percentile test scores. I’m sure the Ivy’s turn away plenty of high/perfect scoring kids as well. They are more interested in building a passionate (for USC and their community/world), diverse class than one full of perfect scores (of which apparently there are many many many of those).

I think it’s great cause brilliance and/or passion can lead to great discoveries and progress, and can be showcased in many ways outside of a traditional gpa. I think USC likes to find those. There’s a great article by Director of Admission, Kirk Brennan (who is a fabulous and hilarious presenter btw if you are lucky enough to hear him), about the USC persective. He said they could fill every class with perfect sores and choose not to. Will post if I can find it or maybe @wwward knows what I am referring to…he always has good info handy!


I know that’s an old post - so assuming white boxes, and since they usually start arriving on a Friday, that means possibly today or a week from now! Hope everyone here gets good news!


D22 received an email to apply “USC Native Leadership Scholarship” Hoping this is a good sign.


just got it too


I think it was a mass email sent to everyone


I am not the expert in “chancing” things but yes, that would be my best estimate as well.

My gut thought next week would be the window as it splits the difference between being very late last year and the norm, which is usually the 24th-25th. Good luck all! Just remember, about 39-40K (depending on apps by Dec 1) won’t be getting news of a scholarship and will be told to wait till March for a decision. So plenty of good company there.

It’s a long ride for most, buckle up and stay positive best you can.


USC Office of the Provost

Dear Trojan Community,

We are pleased to confirm that USC will resume in-person learning as planned on Monday, January 24. Between 70 to 80 percent of our students already have returned to their USC housing, both on and off campus. We are grateful to our faculty and staff who have been working hard to keep our community tested and safe during these past two weeks.

As many of you have been reading, Omicron cases have started to decline on our campuses, in the surrounding community, and across California, which is good news. It may take some time, however, before case counts drop to levels we saw during the fall. While Omicron causes less severe illness for many, it is still highly infectious. That means some members of our community are testing positive, in quarantine, or dealing with illnesses or exposures within their households.

We are committed to supporting those in our community who may be managing these situations and preventing spread, and we all need to adjust our expectations as we come back. You should expect that some classes may temporarily move online until they can be conducted safely in person. Each school, working with our health officials, will have the discretion to de-densify workspaces and move a class online – even outdoors – for a short period of time, if needed. The deans are working hard to ensure that faculty have the resources and flexibility to manage their classes so that there is no interruption to students’ educational progress.

Other campus services likely will be a little slower than normal due to personnel shortages or because departments have been given the ability to reduce density in the workplace, so it might take longer to answer a phone and some offices may not be fully staffed. We ask for your continued patience and understanding as we manage our return and do everything we can to continue to keep our campuses safe for our students, staff, faculty, and communities.

We are going ahead with in-person Spring New Student Convocation on Tuesday (also streamed online) with enhanced safety protocols, including spacing and masking, because it will take place in Bovard Auditorium. Please know that in the next few weeks some events may need to be rescheduled or cancelled on short notice.

Maintaining in-person learning, maintaining continuity of research, and returning to a full slate of activities are priorities that require everyone coming together and taking the necessary steps to protect each other. Our community expectations include:

  • Being up to date on your COVID-19 vaccination and boosters. Please update your vaccination records on [My
  • Following the university’s masking guidelines at all times. While indoors or in crowded outdoor spaces, you must wear a surgical mask, KN95, or N95; cloth face coverings by themselves are no longer permitted.
  • Adhering to testing guidelines for all students, faculty, and staff.
  • Completing your TrojanCheckevery day before accessing campus.
  • If you are sick, please stay home and get tested for COVID-19. Students, faculty, and staff who test positive should notify USC Student Health immediately through the COVID-19 hotline or follow these instructions for a positive test.

We will, of course, continue to closely monitor the situation, seek input and follow guidelines from our public health experts, and follow guidance from state and county health authorities. If you have questions regarding COVID-19 protocols, please contact the COVID-19 response center at (213) 740-6291.

In closing, we all need to be flexible as we navigate the challenges of this latest phase of the pandemic. Be good to one another and find ways to demonstrate kindness, understanding, and grace despite the challenges. With everyone’s cooperation, we will have a successful semester and come out of this stronger.


Charles F. Zukoski
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

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Are you informed if you were not selected for a scholarship?

Yes, there will be an email in your portal that says, thanks for applying, no scholarship, but still under consideration for decisions in March.


Thanks! We (both my student and I) received that as well. Still can’t find the email from student health but that’s okay.

If I wanted to email my AO to tell them USC is my top choice, would now be too late? Should I send it in a few weeks if I don’t get in with the scholarship notification?

Noticed the earlier post said National Merit Presidential is not part of this upcoming release of scholarship notifications/acceptances. Wondering if that means that we would expect my senior who is NMSF and applied by the 12/1 deadline to receive the “no soup for you, wait until March” no matter what, or is there any chance of early acceptance? I do know they have to make NM finalist (most do if they apply) and list USC as their first choice by 5/31 (and get in, obviously!)

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The early admits interview for the Presidential (1/2 tuition) and Trustee (full tuition) scholarships. Several of the early admits are also NMF. Since they are accepted, they are guaranteed the Presidential because of their NMF status. They are basically interviewing for the full tuition scholarships.

As has been said, the vast majority of acceptances, including NMF acceptances, are in March.