USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Does USC send decisions out prior to April 1 or is it right on April 1?

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the ever dreaded “by April 1st”, so it could be anytime before then. Most likely last week of March/ April 1 if I were guessing.

Usually before April 1 but April 1 is a Friday this year so it is a possibility.

For what it is worth, USC’s spring break is the week of March 14-18.

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It would be great if it was this week, but it looks like they are targeting Feb 11th.

They won’t wait until April 1 - if there’s a tech glitch (and they have had them), they need time to recover and not be up against the last day, so it will be earlier than that.


Is it confirmed that notifications will be on portal only meaning no welcome packages by mail?

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Any thoughts on updating with mid-year HS transcript.
Is this going to affect the acceptance? My son’s school doesn’t have them yet, so its a bit concerning

I think USC requires midterm grades. See their Instagram post from this week: USC Undergraduate Admission on Instagram: "Attention first-year applicants! Please be sure to submit your mid-year grades as soon as possible. Not sure if your counselor already sent us your fall grades? You can upload a mid-year transcript yourself via the USC Applicant Portal!"

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They can submit unofficial transcripts. I read this message as indicating midyear grades will be used as part of scholarship decisions.


Mid year grades have always been required. Get them in if you want to be considered for merit and admission.


Yeah, we do want to submit as soon as possible but do not have the official or unofficial one yet. Our school is in the process of making them looks like. I wish USC gives a due date on this, worst case scenario my son will submit Report card in this week and later sends in the unofficial or official one.

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Looks like common app allowed USC to download mid-year transcript even though my D22 had not listed USC in her mid-year transcript request. She had requested for mid-year to be sent to 3 other schools, but can also see USC reporting that they got hers. Her school counselor also confirmed this common app functionality.

When counselors upload a Mid-year transcript, the transcript goes to all the common App schools that the student has applied to.


He could upload report card and/or email his admission advisor with list of classes and grades, as it sounds like he knows them, with explanation that the school doesn’t have mid-year ready yet, but understands they may need the information. And also mention he will be sure to forward the report from the school as soon as it is ready from them.

Contacting and AO with relevant information never hurts. Good luck!


I looked at the portal and did not show as received,
I went ahead and uploaded myself
Does not hurt to be extra careful
Invitation for scholarships may happen any moment now and did not want to miss the chance

if you upload transcripts yourself and then your counselor uploads the official one later, would colleges receive both?

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Yes and that’s ok.


Yes, will do, thankyou so much for your advice!

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My daughter’s counselor uploaded the midyear report the third week of January. It took a day or two to show received in her USC portal.

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so we all thinking scholarship decisions come out the 11th?

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Would be a great surprise if today, but healthier to set sites on next week, which seems to be their target. Don’t see them later than that.

Good luck everyone!