USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Agree 100%. They are unlikely to make in person interviews the only option in the current climate.


Hi guys, anyone has any idea when Merit Scholarship Consideration decisions come out? I heard somewhere that it is in mid February

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cool, that’s probably the one I read lol, but do we have an exact date yet?

I don’t think they ever post an exact date lol. In the past when it was January, everyone would just wait for people locally/close to USC to get the packages.

From my experience applying to colleges this cycle, it seems like a lot of places are intentionally vague. Like I applied for consideration for full-rides at Creighton and Washington and Lee––all they say is “mid-February.” Villanova Presidential Scholarship––“end of January”…no rhyme or reason to many of these. I doubt they’ll release an actual date.

Looking at last year’s thread (no white boxes) interview invitations went out via portal updates on a Friday in the late afternoon. It went out in clumps by school —not regional or international/domestic. At first people found the invitations by refreshing their portals but then reported they were getting emails to check their portal. In the portal was a letter of admission and then interview info. I’m still not certain how many people, if any, got accepted but not invited to interview for presidential or trustees scholarship. Maybe others can break down those numbers.

Later the same evening emails went out to the rest of the early applicants saying they had not been selected for a scholarship and they would get their decision by April 1. No one is rejected.

It was said that the Admissions Office timed it for a Friday to let the decisions settle with people over the weekend (to curtail a flood of phone calls). My guess is it will happen again late Friday afternoon, this week or next.


Are the interview invitations just for students who submitted an early app for merit scholarships or all students?

Just for students who were selected for interviews out of all the students who applied by the merit deadline.


These are interviews for the merit scholarships. All those who get an invitation are automatically admitted to USC. USC doesn’t offer admission interviews.


Does not getting an interview for the scholarship mean a rejection for the scholarship, admissions, both or none?

part of an update email sent last night to Thornton applicants. The last 2 sentences are a bit confusing - does anyone know if this means Thornton applicants won’t be included in Feb merit notifications and will receive those closer closer to April 1?


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I got the same mail. I think they mean that merit scholarships will also come before April 1st(And we know they come out in Feb) so we should get them in Feb for sure.

Rejection for scholarship- still in play for admissions. No admissions rejections in this round.


That would be my interpretation as well. USC has many many scholarships and some may show up in your student’s account when they are admitted. The big merit scholarships of Trustee and Presidential require an interview and those students will be notified in advance.


anyone know what day the scholarship decisions were released last year?

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Last year’s thread says people were hearing back around February 12th.


It was seen as abnormally late. As mentioned above, a similar date this year could pose a time crunch with interviews/Explore USC planned in late February and early March. Curious to see if our USC experts have additional information.


There was no in person Explore USC last year, right?

Will there be in-person Explore this year? If not, then decisions will probably be late this year again

There was no in-person Explore USC last year. As far as I know, they have not announced in person Explore USC. It is not on any public calendar and I haven’t seen them recruiting current students to serve as hosts.