USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

I know USC has an earlier deadline for applications that are trying for merit scholarship. But does getting the application in by that date (Dec 1st, I think) improve your chances of admission at all, versus waiting for the regular application deadline (Jan 15, I think)?


@WWWard I believe your class size numbers may be a bit out of date. My sophomore son is CAMS and in August 2020 I learned the following from an SCA call:

"SCA shared on parent Zoom tonight that the incoming fall 2020 freshman class is 163 (said on previous call that they targeted 150), and the breakdown by division is:

Animation and Digital Arts: 20
Cinema and Media Studies 31
Interactive Media & Games 24
Media Arts & Practice 9
Film & Television Production 56
Writing for Screen and Television 23"

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Thanks for sharing. Among the updates, the only one that seems strange is CAMS, as it has traditionally had more program participants than the other majors within SCA.

Hi. My son applied to WBB. I have not seen much information about it on here. So, I was wondering if you knew anything about the number of applicants to the program? Also, How many hear on the scholarship date v.s. the regular admission date? Thank you very much.


Frankly I thought everyone heard back in the early round, and I remember a poster in the program that said “most” so I went with that. I wonder if ones that hear later are because they end up having spots to fill? Perhaps. I don’t know the number of applicants but it is a small program - I admire the students and families adventurous enough to take it on. I do believe current WBB students reach out to those accepted into the program to answer questions about what it is really like.


I just downloaded the 2021 Program — very interesting!

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CAMS is accurate and glad to have helped update to current major distribution.

So we’re all expecting decisions by 11th right? And does anyone know if it comes out in the AM/PM?


We are hoping, but 11th seems like the logical day. The time is when their IT folks kick them out, but generally late afternoon, 3-6pm PST. Again, best guess going here. They may put out/tweet a day/time to expect them a couple days ahead. Not always. But they have done that once (just once) with merit round.

Current tweets remind applicants to send mid year grades asap and apply for FASFA/submit CSS Profile by Feb 11th.


Regular decision coming out on 11th?

No just merit decisions. Regular decision is late March


anyone from Dornslife gotten merit based desicions or acceptances yet?

Most years between 4 and 8 students enter as composition majors. I’m not sure how many they accept (as some might decline), but I think they want no more than 8 or 9 tops, so probably they don’t accept many more than that.

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USC Admissions sent out a Tweet:
First-year applicants (excluding applicants to Dance, IYA, and Music): If you applied by Dec 1, you will receive an update about scholarships via email in the late afternoon (PT) on Feb 11.

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Nope. We are waiting here. Have not heard a peep from the school.

Based on seeing convos on Reddit from last year - it seems notifications came out around 4 pm pacific time on Friday 2/12

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ty for the updates

officially 2/11


Do you know if FASFA or other financial documents have to be submitted in order to be considered for the top merit scholarships, when we know we won’t qualify for need-based aid?

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