USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

That is what I have for the past 3-4 months

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when you reload and it goes to the please come back later mine refreshes than has that before it goes to the other one

We’re OOS in Florida and not feeling confident today either. My daughter is a legacy, but can’t count on that helping. Right now she is torn between CU Boulder (where her brother is) or Chapman. My oldest, a USC grad is about to move to Santa Monica in 2 weeks for a new job so Chapman may be in the running more so since her sister will be close by. Such difficult decisions. Good luck to everyone!

i still have planning sheet unavailable, is this a bad sign?

Ours says the same thing, but has been like that the whole time if I remember correctly.

not at all – I was admitted during the scholarship round and mine still shows unavailable, so don’t worry!


My GS was admitted during scholarship round as well. How are you feeling about your chances with the scholarships?

congrats to them! to be honest I’m not quite sure haha, none of the questions were related to my application which threw me off a bit so it could go either way! how is he feeling about it?

Anyone have their planning worksheet flash 9999 for a split second (sometimes a few seconds) then go to unavailable?

It appears everyone has that

Mine does

When posting your admission results, please include:

  • Admitted/Spring Admit/TTP/Rejected
  • Major/College
  • State
  • Academic stats you feel comfortable sharing (GPA, test score (if submitted) AP, DE, etc.)
  • Admission results from other schools

Good luck everyone!


CU Boulder and Chapman are very different! Hoping USC makes it an easy decision for you!

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life gon change in t-5 hours. either for the better or for the worst…

Ya when these things start flying, I just hope for admitted, major and state, but usually we just get admitted or rejected. :slight_smile:

You shouldn’t let one decision change your life. Rather you will change your life in the next few years. I have hope in you. God bless!!

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It’s been a hellavu couple years with an upside down world and missing a lot. Add to this college decisions - with elation for some, but for many more, there will be disappointment and angst that is a natural part of the process. We will see both of these today. For some, the acceptance process is a clear ride, for others (most), it is full of emotional ups and downs. April can be a roller coaster no matter the news. Even though mine got into USC and all ended well, the process had moments of pure torture. So prepare for this by knowing you are going to college in person this fall, whether USC or not, and you will make new friends and bring your own special magic, wherever it is.

You determine your future, don’t let disppointment from any college define it.

If news isn’t good today, it’s ok to be sad, or be pissed and even jealous, but by the time a day to two passes - or set a deadline of by the end of the weekend - commit to shake it off best you can and committ to love the one that loves you. Get your head to the place, “if they don’t want me, I don’t want them.” Just know your special place is out there - because you will make it special.

Rise up over rejection. Do great things to make it USC’s loss.

For years, I have always been encouraged by how supportive the posters are on the USC pages here (compared to some other sites). If you are struggling in this process, please talk to someone, even on a random site like this, find people to support you. They are out there, and we are here.

Please don’t let the numbers game of college admissions define you. Don’t let any school make you think you are not awesome. Especially a college that simply doesn’t have enough space for your awesomeness.


on me. finna win a nobel peace prize and put purdue on the map.


Guys I accidentally posted an essay about the major interest in the gap year explanation thingy( I have posted an essay abt major interest also on the major interest question) Am I in great trouble