USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

thank you - and totally agree about ‘skin in the game’. D22 will do that. Although i did not see loans on the work sheet?

Does anyone know where the final transcripts are uploaded? I know the mid-year was uploaded to the common app but wondering where the final one goes to?

You apply for them to get them to show up in your financial summary. It seems it takes awhile for them to process but they eventually show up. But it’s close to when tuition is due. Check this page, at bottom there is info on applying for Stafford loans.

You check a box each year going forward to renew them in your FAST portal which we would always forget to do, but it always worked even when we were late about it. They should get an e-mail about the loan online class after they apply for it.

Your schools sends it in.

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Just processing this comment. Are you saying admissions told you all merit for the entire school — Dean’s, etc — had been issued? On first read I thought you were talking about your child’s particular school.

That’s how I interpreted it - that all merit has been released. Then I wasn’t sure about your question - sounds like we are all confused.

According to the gentleman with whom I spoke, yes. He said all presidential, trustee and deans scholarship recipients have been notified via email. I asked if he could check whether she was sent an email. He did and said no. I then asked, so that’s it? no other scholarships? That’s when he said she could (should?) reach out to SDA and ask whether there are any departmental scholarships still available. I said okay and she did. She’s keeping her fingers crossed but staying grounded.

FWIW, in a year that has proven to be a bloodbath for so many of her hard-working and high-achieving peers, she was accepted EA by LMU (with merit) and got into four of the five UCs she applied (UCB, UCSD, UCI, UCSB). She also got into the two CSU’s she applied to, namely SLO and SDSU. The only outlier for her in CA was UCLA TFT, though she made the interview and presumably was accepted academically in order to be called back for that. It only accepts 30 acting students and well, she was not one of them.

Anyway, I share the above not to brag but to say she knows how lucky she is to have so many amazing options to study her craft and more importantly, she feels “seen.”

We’ll see if SDA can help make her dreams come true :crossed_fingers: :performing_arts: :pray:


Do you know how many were offered TTP?

what is TTP?

Thank you. I thought the Dean’s was included in the financial aid packet but apparently not. We’re going to an admitted students day today and I will also ask. I guess our only hope left is that they have been absolutely exhaustive in the financial aid process, asking for 2021 info and projected 2022 info, etc. I’m hoping that means something positive and not putting us through the wringer for zero money. Our portal does finally say in review so I guess we will know in short order.

She has also just reached out about a departmental scholarship.


Congratulations! Yes… it seems that the prior “Save the Date” invite is again at least one early indicator of SDA admission. Otherwise, it would be rather cruel. So glad it worked out for her.

As for merit scholarships, the big ones are of course awarded to those who were among the applicants admitted back in February during the merit invite/admission phase. I would expect that such announcements would be coordinated with any FA offering… as they know that families need to be making firm decisions and soon.

USC can though, and has, operated as it chooses related to handing out unexpected scholarships/grants. My younger daughter, for example, strangely received an USC Associates scholarship unexpectedly. It is not something she applied for or had any advanced warning about. It simply showed up in her FA offering. So, you never know what’s possible until they finalize their best offer on those fronts.

Good luck… hopefully there is some scholarship or grant money in her future… but from your later posts, I guess you have concluded that it may not be so for her. But at least she has some great options. Please let us know what eventually happens and where she will be attending. I’m sure that she will end up in the right place for her.


I did exactly the same thing with my daughters regarding the student loans. It is important I believe that they also feel invested in their own futures. My older daughter paid hers off within the first three years after graduation, and my younger daughter is on target to accomplish the same.

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You are most welcome and enjoy your day. If you hear differently, please let me know. My daughter doesn’t qualify for need based aid but her COA is a lot for us, especially since we are helping her brother with law school. Still, we are going to SDA’s open house next Saturday and to see its production of A Chorus Line, too.

PS I do wish to note both of my children are the products of the CA public school system and planned on attending state schools for college, too. Admittedly, it was me who encouraged them to at least apply to one or two privates because you never know… Anyway, have fun today and fight on!


Thank you and will do! Off for my run… it’s the one thing that has helped keep me sane during this college application / discernment process. Thankfully, she is my last one and she is indeed one of the lucky ones. Grateful, truly.


The scholarships given later (that aren’t awarded in Feb and folks already know about) do show up in Financial Aid summary and then there is an email sent letting you know it is there. Apparently that has been completed.

Someone DM’d me and confirmed the same, that the biggies are out. Departmental can be looked into, generally those are much smaller (2-4k), but anything helps!

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Does anyone know where the scholarships show up for those who are ineligible to apply for USC’s need-based aid? (as in, unable to access FAST)

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oh sorry, Trojan Transfer Plan

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Does anyone have any ideas how USC views the senior (second semester) transcripts? My son has major senioritis and currently has a C in AP Calc. Rest of his grades are As. Would this hurt his acceptance? On the acceptance letter, it did say if they see a decline in grades, they can rescind the offer…just curious what would be considered “bad”.

You read my mind - my son has a C in calculus as well - please someone illuminate if Cs can lead to rescindence?

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No they won’t, a C is ok. Breath sigh of relief…but don’t let it get to a D, that can cause problems.

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