USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

you’re welcome

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As promised, my daughter was indeed accepted to SDA BA Theater after receiving the save the date email. Next Saturday is my husband’s birthday, too, so fun way to celebrate both of them. With that, curious whether you know if all merit scholarships have been awarded or whether some students may hear today?

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I would call admissions and ask.

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Has anyone here gotten their financial aid package yet? Still waiting on mine.

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I just attended the Seattle event and it was a two hour program. Kirk Brennan and the admissions staff spoke for the first half and then you broke off into small groups based on your college (Dornsife, Marshall, etc.) for the second half. The admissions and financial aid staff stayed at the end to answer individual questions. We really enjoyed the event.


Yes son logged into his FAST portal a few days ago and FA award was up.

Still waiting.

I did a couple days ago

Just spoke with admissions and LSS, all merit scholarship recipients have been notified. My daughter is reaching out to the department but with our COA being full pay, we may just call it a day :performing_arts:

Thanks for the info, and so sorry it didn’t work out at USC, on to another great school!!! Best to you.


Many have so make sure your FAST portal isn’t waiting on anything from you. You can also call admissions and see if they have a timeline.

Have more Dean’s scholarships been awarded? We still are plowing through the list of financial aid documents. It never ends.

I love this answer so much, and am holding my breath that my TTP daughter will get to experience this. Thank you for being such a positive, supportive voice on these forums!


May was the key word there lol

Admissions suggested she inquire about departmental scholarships, so we shall see. Like all Trojans, my D doesn’t give up that easily and will fight on!

Besides, she was inspired by Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s story / message to young people: "Persevere"and she will indeed :crossed_fingers: :performing_arts: :yellow_heart:

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Just wondering if anyone has received their financial aid information? My daughter’s FAST portal still says it’s in review. They have asked for a lot of documents, and I have provided every single one of them.

Yay fight on then!!! Ain’t over till it’s over. :grinning:

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Just a thought on the finance side…since my students picked USC and it was the most expensive option of many, we had them put some skin in the game and take out the Stafford loans that they could that are in their name. This covers 27K over the four years (about 5-7k a year, it year varies a bit each year). They don’t have to start paying till 6 months (I think) after graduation and there are subsidized and unsubsidized (we had them take both to max it out). It was a little dent in the big picture, but if they wanted what they considered “the best” we wanted them to have some responsiblity for it.

When we set it up, we secretly figured we would help them with it if they needed it when they graduated. But the ones that have graduated all paid off their Staffords their first year out of college with their new salaries and intern money they made during college. It may take some longer, but it’s an option.

USC also requires they take an online “about loans” class for the first one, which while annoying to them, was actually good info for them to understand.


Yes, many have, but some haven’t so you are not alone.

My husband was thinking same, thank you. And I mean that sincerely!

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