USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

They thought maybe today, but last year they pushed announcing until 2/1! Who knows!

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Jeff. Maybe stop posting in this thread. Its purpose is for kids applying to USC, most of whom were deferred. It’s not meant for you to list which schools you would prefer to go to. You were previously given this counsel a bit more tactfully, but it seems you need to receive it more bluntly.


Many apologies, will stop posting here now. Best of luck for RD!

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Since you seem to have some decisions made and if in fact those schools are out, JHU, WashU, ND, Williams, Berkeley, UCLA, Georgetown, then you should pull your application out from consideration.

Don’t know about the others, but UCLA and CAL have not made decisions yet. No need to take an opportunity away from someone else (in the instance they accept you) since you wouldn’t go anyways.


Will do! Thanks for the advice

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So much this. I’ve heard a number of students with great acceptances who are no longer interested in their Plans B, C, and D who decide to leave their applications in just out of curiosity about whether they get accepted. I get the curiosity, especially with competitive schools, but it’s a pretty lousy thing to do to others who may lose out on their own dream because of someone’s idle curiosity.


Completely agree!


That’s amazing! Would you be comfortable sharing a bit about extra-curricular activities?

DD was accepted into Dornsife as a Health and Human Sciences major.
There was a link to apply to the Freshman Honors Science Program.
Any info on this? How hard is it to get into?

Does the student need to commit first to apply to honors program? I see the deadline is April 10 but not sure if they need commitment by then

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Oh goodness yes! And it is refreshing for someone with such a big win to acknowledge this. We all know those who become quite smug, and view these lottery acceptances as proof of superb parenting and clear superiority lol.

In all seriousness, it is a bummer how competitive things have gotten, and a bummer that there are those who will immediately google an acceptance rate or ranking if you mention an acceptance. But it is really true that if students make the most of where they land they will fly. Wishing that for every student and family going thru this process, at USC or elsewhere!


Historically, does being a NMS have a higher chance of acceptance or not?

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Yes. My daughter received an interview and was deferred (Marshall). I also know of at least two of her friends who were also deferred and received an interview.


And here’s another major consideration for applicants before deciding on where to enroll by May 1st… weather. And do not just look at the forecasts for the day on which you decide… lol. Look at the averages for each month. If you do not think that it makes any significant difference, then you may not have walked a mile to and from classes on a snowy day when it’s 22 degrees and windy before.

For anyone interested, here’s a ranking of the top 25 colleges and universities based on their weather…

It’s just something else to consider. USC is ranked third. In fact, 1-4 are all within 2 hours of USC.

I personally was shocked how many times my kids complained about the heat and humidity here in FL each time that they returned to FL from USC. But I get it. It’s hard to do any better than the overall climate in southern California most of the time. Each time I returned from visiting, my opinion was the same.


With a November 1 deadline for EA, how would a child know they would have an accomplishment in the future, between November and January, and should therefore wait for RD to apply?
Also, USC tied all merit aid to EA, which most likely pushed many to apply EA.


Thanks for the reply! I definitely got my hopes up for a positive EA decision based on that interview offer! But there’s still a chance, both for RD and for the Town and Gown scholarship! Good luck to your kid and friends!


MT and Acting Callbacks are IN! Emails were sent about an hour ago.

S23 passed and will be attending their callback weekend on Feb 17-18 on campus!!


Don’t get discouraged. My son applied to the Dec 1 scholarship round two years ago with a high GPA, several APs, a 1550 SAT, NM commended, 4 year varsity captain, leadership etc and got deferred in February when they only took 1,000 students. His stats were in the top 25% for that year’s class and he did not get a scholarship. He did get accepted at the end of March RD and into Marshall, where he is currently a sophomore. I think their new EA is very similar to the scholarship round, so the majority of this year’s fall class will be deferred from the first round. Everyone we know was deferred and they are great, interesting students.


According to the USC stats, 70% of students there get financial aid and only 30% are full pay. My son is a sophomore there and we pay full tuition, but we are in the minority. It used to be mostly full payers but not anymore.

they came out!