I’m a rising senior in High School and am looking for help in my college endeavors. My ultimate goal is to own my own company resembling Warner Bros. in the sense of having a television/film chapter and a record label chapter, with myself both producing within these chapters and being an executive. My ideal dream would be to gain acceptance into the Marshall School and double major with BCA (business in cinematic arts) and Music Industry. According to my following information, is this a viable option? Should I try other schools (UCLA)? What else should I do?
GPA: 4.5/3.8
Solid SAT/ACTs
Clubs: Key Club, Beta Club, Future Business Leaders of America, Interact, Call 2 Action, Circle of Friends, Student Council (Director of Spirit), Peer Tutoring, Dynasty (founder & performer), NHS, Math NHS, SS NHS
Jobs: Country Club Groundskeeper
Volunteer Work: Red Cross, Building Homes, Soup Kitchen, 2A/4A State Finals
Extracurriculars: I created the Dynasty club at my high school, which is performance based: we display high quality performances addressing both light hearted and socially conscious topics during pep rallies, assemblies, and most recently, football games by having multiple students cover famous artists. These performances including intricate lighting, staging, choreography and special effects that make it rival professional televised medleys. I’ve had the opportunity to produce, create, write, and perform in two music films as well as a very creative Black History Month performance in addition to countless pep
rallies and halftime shows that rival that of a Super Bowl Halftime’s in terms of quality. Next year, I plan on expanding on this with having 3 - one more than this year - halftime shows and a music festival held at my school with cover performances by our club members. The best part is that all of these performances (cover medleys of Beyoncé, Michael Jackson, Rihanna, Justin Timberlake, The Weeknd) all fit into a larger storyline, which will be displayed next year at the festival as a music film (like LEMONADE) interpolated with live performances of the musical covers of the featured artists (students covering the aforementioned artists).
I also am completing an internship next year, where should I go? Is this too much or not enough? What else can I do? Thanks