USC vs UMiami

<p>I may be biased since I’m a Hurricane, but I would go with UM. I don’t know your financial situation at all but like you said, the $20,000 is a huge draw and UM is a good institution that can set you up with a great grad school, if there’s a possibility of that in your future. I also think Miami is a great place to be for 4 years, a fun place to go to school. This city is definitely an awesome playground.</p>

<p>biochem and molec bio (pre-med). USC visit, i thought, was really cool. i got to hang out with my brother and see the social scene. but i have decided im going to enroll in both… attend miami in fall and if for some reason i dislike it or whatever ill head to USC in the spring. but Miami seems like an awesome school and im really excited
@something what are you going to major in? have you decided between the schools yet?</p>

<p>^^ We were not able to visit UM, heard its really nice. Are the classrooms modern and facilities nice? Son got 26k/yr, its tempting I guess.</p>

<p>cashmoney123 I have a couple of concerns with your plan about dual enrollment; I’m not going to get into the ethics of dual enrollment though if pressed I do have some issues on that front. First there may be some timing issues on when you have to make payments to USC - you/your parents may have to pay a substantial deposit to USC before you’ve had much time to evaluate Miami. </p>

<p>My second concern rests with the idea of commitment. Cortes upon landing in Mexico burned his ships thus making it clear to his men that retreat from the Aztecs wasn’t an option. Most people struggle to live up to their potential if they know they have a bailout option. I’d be watchful of any attitude like “well I can always go to SC in January” creeping in; guard against “just being involved” versus full commitment. The first will result in mediocre results and second guessing, the latter will get you the success you want. As the old saying goes, in a bacon and eggs breakfast, the chicken is involved but the pig is committed.</p>

<p>pixeljig, during our 1 visit to USC and our visits to Miami I noticed no particular differences in the facilities. At any given moment these schools are updating somewhere on campus, so it’s hard to say how much your son will personally experience the new vs older facilities at either university.</p>

<p>My daughter has a guaranteed transfer to Cornell for next year (yes, they DO exist). </p>

<p>She went to Miami loving the idea of the school, but knowing if she did NOT like it, all she had to do was fill out a few forms, get a 3.0 and she was in at Cornell for Sophomore year.</p>

<p>She quickly knew that Miami was THE school for her and never looked back. </p>

<p>Back-up plans are a good thing, but yes, take on your freshmen experience at Miami with a full speed ahead attitude!</p>

I’m a sophomore at UM and love it. I am not a partier and have never visited a club. Yes, the partiers create a reputation for our school. They are certainly the more rambunctious and flamboyant people on campus. Nevertheless, they don’t define the campus as a whole. I’ve found many fellow nerds and am content with the friends I have made here. There are plenty of extra-curricular activities to occupy your time that serve as a means of meeting people and having fun. You have to keep in mind that as in high school, just five or six close friends can completely satisfy your social needs. I assure you, just about everyone on campus has close friends that are in their niche. I got the University Scholarship so the money was a major factor for me as well. I haven’t regretted decided on UM. Best of luck!</p>


<p>Thank you for the uplifting advice. Where are you from? Do you mind saying what schools you decided to take UM over? What are you majoring in? Thanks again.</p>

<p>Didn’t apply to many. UF, FSU, Emory. I’m from Miami, but I live on campus to have an away experience. I’ve never regretted my decision. I’m a poli-Sci, international studies double major. Probably going to minor in history, perhaps geography and philosophy.</p>

<p>How did you decide on UM over Emory. I’m actually wait isted at Emory right now.</p>

<p>I got into both USC and Miami last year and decided on Miami. I am now applying to transfer to USC. The social/academic aspect of the school just wasn’t cutting it for me. I am much more of a house party/greek life kind of guy and Miami could be the furthest thing from that and unfortunately my wallet had to pay for Miami’s bar and club lifestyle. Academically USC is much higher rated especially the business school. I am from California and was looking to experience another part of the country, but I came to realize I love the west coast a lot more</p>