Using Greyhound

<p>I would like to write some reviews about Greyhound in Atlanta because I used this to get to the airport from Atlanta greyhound station.</p>


<p>Greyhound isn’t cheap at all, yet I was very surprised about how unclean and poorly maintained the station was, and the </p>

<p>danger level of the city in which it was located.</p>

<p>When I took off at greyhound station at Atlanta, it was around 5 in the morning, and I was the only Asian around the station. Than this guy grabbed my suitcase and told me he knew where the TRAIN is that goes to Airport.</p>

<p>I knew it was dangerous to follow him or even to listen to him, but he kept going so my head went white, and I had to follow him because he had my dang suitcase. </p>

<p>Well he wasn’t lying,. There was a train station right behind the greyhound station. Then he asked me for cash because "</p>

<p>“he needs his money to get to boston”. I told him, “sir, I wish I could help you but I do not have cash, and I don’t think there are ATMS around here. Sorry sir”. VERY luckily, he just wandered off, muttering something.</p>

<p>I guess I was an easy target because he thought I couldn’t speak English well, and I was the only Asian, and. not to </p>

<p>make other Atlanta people look bad, I was the only one with some decent clothes. And it was FIVE in the morning, and I was alone! wouldn’t I be scared? it was very difficult to keep up my I-Don’t-Care face. I felt safer inside the station tho.</p>

<p>So, what I want to say is:</p>


<p>I know, it was stupid of me to follow him but my head stopped working then…</p>

<p>It is sketchy and scary. It was worse because my phone was dying, and my suitcases were too big to run away with.</p>

<p>Oh, my friend just told me that she was there a week ago and a guy offered her cocaine…</p>

<p>My daughter took the bus and then the subway from LaGuardia to Manhattan this summer and ran across 2 sketchy guys who were crowding her inappropriately. Subway was empty so she decided she would bypass her stop since she didn’t want them following her. Luckily they got off one stop ahead of her so that was avoided. She called Uber for the ride back:)
Glad you made it back safely.</p>

<p>I wish you’d posted to ask us before you took the Greyhound Paul. It’s notorious for being sketchy especially in big city terminals. I’m glad that you made it back home safely too.</p>

<p>Greyhounds are sketchy as heck. Rent a car for the day.</p>