USMMA Football at Kean

<p>I can't find any information on whether the Mariners football game Friday will be webcast by either Kean or USMMA. My understanding is that all of USMMA's games are audio-cast (is that a word?) and that there may be some webcast in video. I assume that because this is an away game, the most the Academy would provide is audio--but does anyone know if Kean provides video?</p>

<p>I went on Kean's website and did not see any information or links for a webcast, so I don't think they do. I would love to be wrong on this one though.</p>

<p>I just received a reply from an inquiry I sent to Kean's Director of Student-Athlete Services:
Kean will not have a live broadcast of the game, but will probably run live stats on the web that will provide continual updates. She said she would let me know when that information is certain and I will post it on this thread. She also said Kean's student television station will broadcast the game on the Kean website in about two weeks--they do not have the capability to produce it live but we'll be able to watch it later! She also thought that USMMA would be radio broadcasting the game, and that it would be available on USMMA's website.<br>
USMMA's athletic department says that a couple days before each game, a link will appear on their website athletics page. We will be able to click on that link about thirty minutes before the game for the pregame, game, and post-game interviews. Currently this link is for audio only, but they are working on getting some video, too.
Thank you to both athletic departments for being so helpful.</p>

<p>Soooooo who's going to the game?????? Be there or be square--I have the NJ contingent coming in force!!!</p>

<p>I'm there. Bringing gatorade, water and brownies.</p>

<p>The Academy football website has a (very tiny font) link right under "KP vs KU" to Game Notes. There are ten pages of information on the team, coach, player rosters, depth charts, etc. It also says that all games will be broadcast on and all home games will be webcast!</p>

<p>learninglots I'm having trouble finding that site?</p>

<p>I found it LearningLots thanks. Rich Charter emailed that to all on the email list.</p>

<p>USMMA home football games are typically broadcast, along with some other USMMA home sports games.
Once the fall sports season gets underway, you can check for the game of the week to be broadcast at this link:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Arggh. Having trouble getting the game to come up. Keep getting error message - something about network not connected to server. Anyone else with this problem?</p>

<p>Same problem in Idaho...</p>

<p>I think the problem may be the newer version of Windows Media Player. We finally got the game on my husband's computer at work which has an older version. I tried at my work and at home, both computers have the newest version.</p>

<p>Your lucky you didn't get it. Game was painful. 48-7 final score Kean. They played good first half score was 10-7. I don't know what happened 2nd half. Kean had awesome running backs. Flew like the wind. Oh well. Maybe next one.</p>

<p>For those of you who couldn't make it on Friday night. I tried to get every player's number in the picture. KPFootballMom I KNOW I got your son. (I have a point and shoot digital, no real good actions shots though!!) The parent's after the game were awesome getting all that food ready for the players and coaches. I was truly impressed. Hope you like the pics. Won't be at the CG game, but see you Parent's Weekend!!</p>


<p>From USMMA sports news:
Voices Ray Martel and Seth Cantor of the Mariner Sports Network will be back to broadcast all ten football games live on <a href=""&gt;;/a>. Each home game is also scheduled to be web cast. All broadcasts and web casts can be listened to and viewed free of charge for Mariner fans who canÂ’t make it to the game.
During halftime of each football game, be sure to stay tuned in to the broadcast each week as Martel and Cantor will have an interview with Coach Toop and a selected player as well as interviews with head coaches and student-athletes of other Mariner sports. This week, Mike Toop and tri-captain Vincent Lusardi will chat about the SecretariesÂ’ Cup and the football rivalry with Coast Guard.</p>