UT Austin Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Got my interview request for CBHP Nov 10th and interviewed Nov 11th! Now just the anxious waiting!

@NeedAVacay Thank you for your really helpful response! My daughter is currently applying for the 12/1 regular decision deadline. She received her SAT test results this month and didn’t do as well as expected (scored a 1310). I know this application year is test optional and now we’re torn about including her SAT score or just opting to not include scores this year. Her UW GPA is 3.8 and she has great ECs, including being captain of the varsity soccer team this year, though they didn’t even get to play games because of Covid. I think we all need a vacay after 2020 :wink:

Have any non auto admits heard back yet? Also what is the time frame that we are most likely to hear back?

@UTgrad25 I believe that last year all of the decisions came out on Fridays and I heard the first decisions were around November 22nd.

XanderZvc: does that include decisions on McCombs?

I found this helpful from texadmissions.com

For fall 2020 applicants, decisions were released on the following dates:

November 22, 2019 was the first release of Major decisions for a very small handful of top 6% Engineering, Business, and other majors.

Thursday, December 5 saw another small release.

Friday, December 13 experienced the first “large” wave of favorable admissions decisions

January 10 to 17 saw smaller batches of releases

The major final wave of favorable decisions went out Tuesday, January 21, 2020, the first time in recent memory the main acceptance batch didn’t go out on a Friday

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Yes there were some McComb acceptances on Nov 22nd and I think there may have been even a few earlier.

To my understanding, if you apply priority you’ll either get accepted, denied, or deferred by December, but they usually don’t tell you if you got deferred, it just says “in review” pretty much. It’s a bit confusing!

My daughter is auto admit and also received her admission approval about 24 hours after they received her class rank letter, as well. That was about 3 weeks ago. I am curious (even though I have a son at UT currently) if anyone has received approval for their requested major yet? I remember our son got his in December the year he applied, but they held on to his app for a bit because he received an Impact Scholarship and it was kind of set to the side, so to speak. Just wondering if anyone has any other insight about major approval. My daughter’s first option was Public Health in the CNS.
Her class rank is 2/250. She got a 1350 on her SAT two years ago but is going test optional.

Also, my daughter has 12.5 AP classes (half was one semester), 3 dual credit classes, 1 UT OnRamps class and her ECs are exemplary. She was a class officer 3/4 years (President twice). She was Student Council VP twice and is currently SC Pres. She was a Key Club officer 3/4 years (Editor, Pres, VP). She was in band all four years and is a lieutenant for drumline. Last year she was a state qualifier for her instrument and also as part of an ensemble. And there is more…I am just stressing about major and honors college application. Her brother is in the LAH program and I know she will be unhappy if she doesn’t get in the honors program for which she applied. Their stats were very comparable.

Son is auto admit. Honors apps to Deans and Plan II both listed in review. My older son got his major admit (gov) and plan II admit on the Friday before thanksgiving that year ( he was the HS class of 2019). LAH came in Jan.

@momsquared33 , I hoping that lots of auto admits get to hear GREAT news this Friday!! The sooner the auto admits hear, the sooner the review admits hear too! Win, win! Or better yet, maybe they will throw everybody for a loop and send out acceptances on THURSDAY this week!

@ChillyCow agreed!

My daughter just got an email encouraging her to apply for the Moody College Honors program today-- she’s a review admit. Anyone know if this is any type of good sign, or just a generic email they send out to a lot of Moody applicants…?

@txmom9977 We received a snail mail letter addressed to parents regarding Honors Preview event to introduce applicants to all Honors programs (yet, applicant has already applied to Honors)? Also a review applicant – like you, I wondered if this was a blast mailing or indicative of anything?

@amaraag I received notification about my interview for Canfield on Saturday and conducted the phone call yesterday. I’m sure that notifications will continue to roll out this upcoming week. Sending you good luck vibes!

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My daughter received the same email for Moody College honors program. I just assumed it went to everyone, but I have no idea. I will think positive thoughts though.

I forgot to add that we are OOS.

@galgirl123 Can I ask when did you submit your BHP application? Thanks

Hi all,

We are new to the college application process. My daughter is applying as oos. Last week when we checked the mystatus page the application was complete. Today when we checked I see that Recommended options with 4 things yet to be completed.

On-campus housing application
Scholarship interest form
Document upload requests
Texas Exes scholarship application

Do we need to fill them after being admitted? I read in the forums that we need to apply for housing early. So I am a little confused. Can you please help?


@CollegeParent123 DD also received snail mail re: Honors. Us parents thought it was a good sign, she’s much more skeptical. And with good reason…she has excellent SATs but middling GPA (lots of rigor though). As OOS she put UT in Reach category.

PS she did not apply to Honors, didn’t consider given reach status. She tried to register for webinar and it’s fully booked.