UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Some in the thread yes.

Where did you see this comment from the UT admission guy?
Any chance auto-admit students will hear about CS@CNS today or tomorrow?

Don’t read too much on the amount owed or RIS. Those are different area updated by different office such as Accounting and Bursar’s office. It is just sometimes these got updated first.

Both UT and TAMU updates in “batches” simply because admission process is not just one button click. Acceptance may be stored and updated portal in a group. Yesterday’s “wave” or “batch” might be decided early December.

Most of auto-admit and review-admit decisions will come in January. If nothing today or tomorrow, enjoy your winter break and watch out for January. Majority will get decisions by Jan 31st including full admission, PACE and CAP. CAP date will likely be Feb 7th 6:00pm. Most portfolio required majors will get deferred to March 1st.

Wish they would realize like a normal college. All decisions on the same day. This wave motions is only making applicants seasick with uncertainty. :rofl:


Release, not realize.

Totally agree. Last year, the valedictorian of my daughter’s high school got major acceptance in late January even though applied back in August, while my daughter applied in September got everything in November. Both applied to same major.

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Wow. Sounds totally sane. :man_facepalming:t4:

Is it possible there is a wave of decisions tonight or tomorrow. I’m OOS and applied to McCombs

I guess anything is possible. Interesting fact though: my twin found out on a Wednesday night (in November) and I just found out on a Wednesday night (yesterday). Don’t know if that matters at all but just thought I’d throw that out there.


He has a blog (he’s not a current admission officer.) Search “When might I receive my major decision? Does UT have rolling admissions for freshmen?” on google

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You think this is crazy, check out Penn State sometime.


has anyone heard anything about plan ii and hss admissions? if i was not in the wave this week, should i expect to get a decision by january?

We’re curious about plan ii as well. Student was accepted to engineering major, but no word about plan ii.

I have two friends who have heard back from plan ii(both auto). One found out during Thanksgiving break and the other found out today.


One of my daughter’s friends got Plan II notice over Thanksgiving.


D got accepted to Government major yesterday and got Plan II Honors today. She is In state, non-auto, met priority deadline.


Is there a set time of the day UT releases the decisions?

Not a clue. We just checked in the evening both days. Yesterday after 4:30 and today after 6

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Did she submitted SAT score? Or applied with no score?
Just wondering if they are sending ones with score first maybe

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What is BME?