UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

must be reddit

called UTAustinAdmissions2 on reddit. yes.

The inconsistency or lack of communication from UT highlights they are not very ‘customer-friendly’ vs those top private schools. This may ruin many family’s holidays if they do not release decisions till January to the students who submitted app by Nov.


More than one user on Reddit claiming their cousin told them

dang… a lot of cousins work at UT Austin admissions


OOS here for Moody. Haven’t heard

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Ok, I’m done waiting for a decision from UT. See you guys in January and have a good break!


I am done here. Too much trolling and playing with people’s college decisions.


It’s better to release results so students decide where to go ahhhh


It is frustrating but UT is not alone in not releasing EA results until January. It’s great they’ve released some early, but I see that as a bonus to this whole process. My son has EA applications in at other schools and those results won’t come out until late Jan also.

Best of luck! UT is a fantastic school (S19 is there).

Priority application, OOS, submitted ACT 35, good business and leadership focused ECs. Applied to CBHP. No interview so far for CBHP.

Questions -

  1. One of my friends got an interview invite on Friday for CBHP. Anyone else got it?
  2. Anyone else applying to CBHP?
  3. Is the next wave basically end of January?

Just curious.

What is cbhp?

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Canfield business honors program

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Is it bad if it says bad 1000 data?

No it is not, some of the admit also seems to have this

Had the same “bad 1000 data” all the way until I got my acceptance, so please ignore it.


Any chance we get a wave on Monday or Tuesday?

I am hoping. But don’t universities close for the holidays

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Direct from UT Admissions Office Website: “The University is closed from December 24 until January 2.”

I am hoping this means it’s still possible until the 24th, but I am not expecting it.