UT Austin class of 2026 admissions

Got in UT CS!

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Did you have a lot of students from your school get into CS?

Any OOS decisions?

what time did you get a result cuz I’m still waiting unfortunately for cs

Got into Electrical Engineering!!! I checked mystatus at 6:00 pm
Auto, top 1%, 1500 SAT


got the email about 7:01

Did a single person get admitted tonight who is NOT auto admit? Or are you all auto?


Anything from Moody?

Any environmental science hear today?

i haven’t heard anything

Nothing unfortunately

OOS. Applying to McCombs and CBHP

I just refreshed my portal and a new to-do appeared.

We’ve received and are currently evaluating
Your HS Transcript

My transcript was marked received mid October. It says that application completed mid October and You’ve met our priority application deadline.

Very weird.

7 got in today that I know of


Congrats for all the new acceptances… Any Honors notification today?

ye some non auto people got accepted

No one that I know got honors today

Ok, thanks…I have been waiting on Plan2 but no movement on that…

Daughter (auto-admit) was accepted into McCombs!


Btw…Daughter, in state, auto-admit, top 1%

has anyone heard back from 40 acres