UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

I will ask my friend but I remember she found out Wednesday afternoon. (She also wasn’t EA) She also could have just not checked her email till then and got it Tuesday.

I also heard that Monday is an admissions day? Is that true? Or is it Tuesday/Friday? Or really just random?

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Usually Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

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I guess there’s nothing wrong with me posting this information online onto this thread (since we only have a couple more days left till the decision) but I am an ECE applicant. As far as I have heard from peers all around Texas and out of state, no applicant from CS or ECE has been accepted into UT class of 2027. I have heard decisions come out for Mccombs, mechanical engineering, and chemical engineering but that’s all. UT is very weird this year and I have no idea whats going to happen especially when I have also applied to the ECH program before Nov. 1st. Anyways, thought I’d post this.


Does anyone have information if decisions were posted by major last year? Are the waves random or some are certain majors, some are rejections, etc. When did most COE applicants hear back last year?

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I think it’s gonna be totally random this year.

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They probably just put on a blindfold and threw a dart to find the time.

It can be a few days before Feb 1st or after.
This is what I was told when called AO today.
Anyone else called the AO?

I would leave them alone. They are most likely busy, burnt out, or trying to relax.

I have not heard priority be a few days after Feb 1st though. (I applied in September)

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Last year my friend (non early admission) got her acceptance on Jan 26. (Wednesday) at 6:40pm

Someone on this thread said they got acceptance into ECE on either a Tuesday or a Wednesday last year before blood bath as well. We might hear something this Tuesday/Wednesday hopefully!
Also, does every applicant receive an e-mail when they get in/rejected? Does UT notify their applicants when their mystatus portal changes?

Yea, a Tuesday at 7PM (Last week of January)


We just saw something on TikTok and the College Admissions Counselor stated that she spoke to the UT admissions office today and that no decisions will be out before February 1. I don’t usually get my news from TikTok, but she seems fairly legit. :crazy_face: She also said maybe Friday, so…… who knows…


wednesday Feb 1st?

She was told Feb. 1 at the earliest… but hopefully they are just giving worst case and some will come out this week.


Can they even do that? If they said by Feb 1, they can’t release after can they?

My older daughter was one of the lucky ones who got her acceptance in December (in 2020). I wish they would issue some sort of statement if this is actually the case. So much for applying early. :woman_shrugging:t3:

i saw that too


My son got accepted into ECE on a Friday in Jan 2021. He was auto-admitted. Good luck.