UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

tbh i’ve been wrong sm times so far so u probs shouldn’t take my word for it but i’m pretty sure that that means when the wave does come out, you’ll be accepted. again, i’m not an expert at all whatsoever but just what i think because logically why would some people have that extra info if they weren’t going to be accepted

do we think it is going to come out today???


Does the information just pop up as soon as you hit the registration information sheet? Or do you have to go into a subdirectory?

u have to click on class schedule and then go to the drop-down and select Fall 2023 and then it either pops up or says “internal error”

Do you know if UT considers the second major as well (ex: CS as first major and ECE as 2nd major) for in-state auto admit students? I have heard somewhere that UT only considers the first major for auto admit in-state students.

From what I have read, UT considers the second choice major for the in state auto admit students, and not for the out of state or non auto admit students.

This is directly from UT website


Good morning to everyone, let’s have a good day!


Does the decision get released today, or is that pretty much anyone’s guess?

pretty much anyone’s guess but we do know that they rlly like fridays (bc no one can call them bc it’s the weekend) and so that’s why everyone thinks a wave might be today

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If mine says internal error, is that a bad sign??

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hilarious (“beginning to think they are not admitting people”)

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Guess. Feb. 1 is the only date they’ve committed to and that’s not until Wednesday! It’s possible there’s no news until next week frankly.


Wondering the same thing

mine still says bad data and internal error… hoping this isn’t the end for me.

It’s not. Several auto-admits RIS still read “bad data 1000,” people have tried to read into it in the past and it’s never worked. Don’t stress about it.


I really hope your right! I’m freaking out a little!!


That is correct. Second choice majors are only taken into consideration for auto-admit applicants not for holistic applicants.

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On the UT Admissions Reddit page, they have listed that the bad data error is not an indicator, and a mod said that people last year stressed themselves out for nothing.


That has nothing to do with anything. There are no “signs” prior to acceptance.