UT Austin Class of 2027 Official Thread

Did it come out for anyone?

I have heard they are expecting the wave to be Monday now. But this is all rumor and hearsay?

I heard tuesday but I still have hope it’s tonight

Does anyone have any insight into how many “waves” there have been to date? It seems like a lot of auto admits have heard, and may be that was a wave in December or maybe a second wave? Have there been any more waves? I have hard a few of a few people getting in, but I am not seeing a lot of posts on this board indicating a bunch of activity (acceptances/deferrals/CAPs) have occurred or are occurring.

I’ve heard lots of auto-admits, Mccombs, and Computer science decisions.

Havent received the email yet but see this under the RIS section for Fall 2023

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I havent checked this before - looking at all the posts I decided to check now

where is the RIS section?

Closing in on 5:30…. Nothing?

I think it’s gonna be monday or tuesday if no wave has started yet today.

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wow, I can’t believe we will be waiting until next week


Thanks :+1:t2:

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no way we gotta wait all weekend

It’s so ridiculous that a state school would treat their instate residents this way

or arguably any of their applicants


From what I’ve seen, there was a very small wave in november (gov, bio, chem majors) and another wave in december that was a bit bigger and saw some oos and non-auto acceptances as well as honors acceptances for some majors.

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another night has come and gone, see you monday I guess :frowning:


Hi all, I’m a class of 2026 parent and this time last year I was on this very website doing the same thing.

UT Austin’s admissions process is inhumane and lacks more transparency than any other university my son applied to. With that I hope I can encourage you all not to fall into Reddit rabbit holes and drive yourselves mad. I know it’s hard. There’s no pattern or anything consistent about how they send out acceptances—it’s all arbitrary.

FWIW, my son was accepted on Tuesday Jan 25 last year, after 7pm CT. He didn’t get the email to check his My Status until the next day. Like you all, he was randomly checking and suddenly the page updated. His friends from his same school were also notified of acceptance that night. No rejections or CAP went out until Feb 1.

Sending you all peace and good thoughts. I empathize completely and wish you all the best.


Wait till 7pm CT