UT DALLAS- what's it like?

<p>hola. my physics teach said this would be a really good school for me. I'm really into the sciences and like to think. But I also like most of the other core subjects like English and History ( I hate math now (pre cal is despisatory)). </p>

<p>BTW. I want to be a missionary doctor. If that doesn't work out, I want to be a missionary or a doctor. </p>

<p>does anyone know about the school's :
- the academic program (any and every field you can think of)
- academic and social environment . IE) Studiers or slacikers, liberal or conservative, accepting or comdemning
- scholarship opportunities.
- what the students and professors are like. R they helpful? patient? are the classes inducise to learning (truly learning not memorizatin crap))</p>

<p>Also, I heard they play chess regularly. Chess! and pretty environment too</p>

-1390 on the SAT ( gonna take the new SAT though_
- number 8 in class of about 600 (gonna drop cuz I have better things to do than harp on grades)
- have taking , am taking or willl take :
-all histories,
-all sciences (PHysics nad chemistry at Colelge level), Plan on taking AP tests for Bio, physics, and Chem (Bio self study)
3 years of Latin, All math courses ( Pre -cal and calulus but not trig though)
- Computer science 1. will study computer science 2 and attempt AB test in May. ALso doing a science experiment where I create a program to creat schedueles for students
- PALS (Peer assistance leaadership). basically we mentor elementary kids. ideally we are supposed to help them learn while having fun but we usually just play games
- philosophy, economics, creative writing ( will take)</p>

<li>Extra curricular activities

<li>UIL (United Interscholastic League). Since 9th grade. serious about the science test and am going to attempt to do well on computer science test. Was on regional team for science last year and will try to help my team get to state this year

<li>Academic decathalon . not going to try it seriously this year so probly won't win any awards (unless I master the art of BS. if only)</li>

<p>I think I would get strong letters of recommendation. teachers and classmates say I am inquisative, moral, helpful, and a good studier and student. I think they are high sometimes but whatever. </p>

<p>sorry for long list.</p>

<p>whoops wrong forum. can one of yall nice mods move this to the What are my chances forum?</p>


<p>bumpity bump</p>