UW Budget 2011-2012

<p>Budget (in millions)</p>

<p>State appropriations $412.3 (15%)
Tuition $429.1 (16%)
Federal Programs $879.4 (31%)
Gifts, Grants and
Seg Fees $490.9 (18%)
State Laboratory Fees $ 28.3 (1%)
Auxiliary Enterprises $342.3 (13%)
Operations Receipts $104.8 (4%)

<p>UW-Madison</a> Academic Planning & Institutional Research.</p>

<p>2012-13 budget shows big increases.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.mbo.wisc.edu/basicfacts/2012-13BudgetCard.pdf[/url]”>http://www.mbo.wisc.edu/basicfacts/2012-13BudgetCard.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Student tuition is increasing from $429.1 million (16%) to $458.1 million (16.2%), an increase of $29 million. Yikes!</p>

<p>That’s just 6.76%. Many publics are over 10%. Still below the average for Big Ten publics.
I was surprised by the increase in state $$. They sure count funny. I never belive talk of cuts until I see real numbers. Just like the Feds it is often a cut from projected growth number. Only rarely a real cut. Prior year was a real cut.</p>

<p>Another factoid. Over last 4 years spending on Fin Aid more than doubled. Easily largest of all changes by percentage.</p>