UW Business Direct Admit Scholarships

Hi! I was accepted as a direct admit to the business school for next year. I am out-of-state, and UW would be one of my top schools, however it doesn’t seem like they offer many scholarships. Does anyone know anything about scholarships? I was looking at business school scholarships, and it seems like they offer some, but there is no indication as to how much value they have. Thanks!

Incoming first-year students who are applying as a Direct Admit do not need to fill out a scholarship application. The application submitted for your consideration as a direct admit will also serve as your scholarship application and you will be considered for all School of Business Scholarships for which you are eligible.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison and all other schools provide a Net Price Calculator as a tool for early financial planning for college. In my experience, it has been extremely accurate. Consider any scholarships awarded, a bonus as these likely won’t make much of a dent in your overall costs. UW Madison is an expensive school for an OOS.