UW Foundation provides context

<p>Note: The UWF provides fundraising support to UW Madison only.</p>


<p>The winds of change are blowing hard in Wisconsin. While much of the recent media coverage on Wisconsin's budget issues has focused on Governor Walker's proposal related to public sector workers, there is also a very important discussion under way related to the University of Wisconsin-Madison.</p>

<p>The state of Wisconsin faces a real conundrum: Just when the state needs a great research university most to help gain a greater foothold in the knowledge economy, the state does not have the resources to sustain it.?In order to maintain our world-class university, we need to quickly find a way to adjust the business model underpinning the university. I personally believe that it is the students of UW-Madison, our alumni and friends, and the university itself that can move us forward.?Wisconsin taxpayers have built a great university, now it is our time to do more to sustain it.</p>

<p>As a Bascom Hill Society member, I know you are concerned about the future of UW-Madison.</p>

<p>I am writing to you today to provide my personal perspective on this most important matter. As you may know, I am a Wisconsin native. I earned my undergraduate degree at UW-Eau Claire and a PhD in economics from Stanford. I spent 14 years on the faculty at Dartmouth College. I have worked on behalf of UW-Madison for almost 9 years now, first as Dean of the School of Business and now as President & CEO of the UW Foundation.?My Wisconsin roots, economics training and national experience in higher education provide a unique vantage point?for assessing the situation we, as members of the UW-Madison community, now face.</p>

<p>My views on this subject can be boiled down to the following key points:</p>

<p>The evolution toward a more knowledge-driven economy is here to stay and has increased the value of research universities as well as the economic rewards to their graduates;
The Wisconsin economy is still building its niche in the knowledge economy and has lost ground relative to the nation, which has made it hard for the state to afford the rising cost of a great research university;
A strong research university?committed to our public mission is a vital ingredient for Wisconsin's economic future and an important option for students to have among their higher education alternatives.
Buried in the events of this week, UW System President Kevin Reilly, Regent Chair Charles Pruitt and Vice Chair Michael Specter sent an open?letter to Governor Walker in response to a rumor that the governor's budget?(to be proposed next week) might offer greater strategic autonomy and operating flexibility to UW-Madison. The letter makes three main points: (1) they support more autonomy and flexibility for the entire UW System, (2) they oppose UW-Madison being given strategic autonomy outside the structure of the system, and (3) the UW System has served the state well.?Chancellor Martin has responded to their letter by signalling her support for the granting of greater flexibility to any or all UW System campuses but, importantly, her support of a potentially new model for UW-Madison if that is in fact what the governor proposes in his budget.</p>

<p>I completely support Chancellor Martin's efforts, ongoing over the past year,?to persuade anyone who will listen that UW-Madison needs greater strategic autonomy and operating flexibility in order to serve the current and future needs of our students and the state. In all of our communications on these subjects, we have been careful not to take a precise position on how these flexibilities would be granted. We have consistently pointed out that many possible models exist. We have made the economic case for flexibility. The?exact form a solution might take?is something for political leaders to decide.</p>

<p>This brings us to the heart of the matter.?UW System leadership now seems to believe that the?governor may well propose strategic autonomy and operating flexibility for UW-Madison within a new governing structure. They are making clear that they oppose that path in lieu of keeping the System together and granting these flexibilities to all campuses.</p>

<p>This leaves UW-Madison at an awkward juncture.??We are supportive of the efforts of the UW System and all campuses to gain more autonomy and flexibility. But if the governor proposes strategic autonomy and flexibility for UW-Madison, we?absolutely must make the most of that opportunity for our institution and the state. This would not be an unusual approach relative to reforms seen around the country. We are hopeful that if that is the final proposal in the budget, all who support higher education?and research and economic development in Wisconsin will?be able to support this proposal as well.</p>

<p>No matter what happens with the budget proposal, philanthropy will play an increasingly important role in the future of UW-Madison. Student leaders of the newly formed UW Student Foundation have articulated this point well in a message to their classmates that appeared in the Badger Herald yesterday.</p>

<p>I want to thank you for all you have done to support the efforts of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Your partnership will be even more important as we move forward. I will send a follow up message to all Bascom Hill Society members next week once we have more detailed information on the governor's budget proposal. In the meantime, please do what you can to stay informed on this important topic and share your thoughts on the topic with your colleagues and neighbors. For up-to-date information on the budget situation, please visit: UW-Madison</a> and the State Budget | Information on furloughs, collective bargaining and other state budget topics.</p>

<p>If you are interested in advocating in a more formal way, please visit Wisconsin Alumni Association's Alumni for Wisconsin page.</p>

<p>Thank you for your attention on this important matter.</p>

<p>On Wisconsin!</p>


<p>Michael M. Knetter
President and CEO
University of Wisconsin Foundation</p>