UW-Madison Application

I’m a high school junior from Madison. I have a GPA of a 4.0 and an ACT score of 29. I have volunteered 150 hours as a teacher assistant in this education program. I’m also part of a French club, math team, and I just applied to NHS. I’m also part of a youth program outside of school; we meet every two weeks. What are my chances of getting in UW Madison? Would should I do to strengthen my application?
If you got into UW, what was your application like?

Check out http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-wisconsin-madison/1813608-uw-madison-fall-2016-decisions.html It has tons of posts with people’s stats and whatnot.

I can’t imagine you would not be accepted, especially as an in-state student, and assuming that’s an unweighted gpa. I believe the average ACT is right around 28-29. Best of luck in your senior year!

Keep up your grades. Continue to enjoy HS. Write essays that show you want to be at UW, even if it is not your first choice. Talk to your HS guidance counselor- ask if it is worthwhile retaking the ACT, the only thing you can improve upon. That may not be worth it, however, your score is fine and your grades show you know how to study.