UW-Madison Chances (Deferred)

Hi. I got deferred for EA and was wondering if anyone could chance me with the addition of mid-year grades. Thanks.

State: In-state
GPA: 3.83 at time of applying, 3.86 currently
ACT: 28
ECs: Dance Team (4 years), Band

It posted before I finished and I didn’t get to edit it on time.

Hi. I got deferred for EA and was wondering if anyone could chance me with the addition of mid-year grades. Thanks.

(Note: classes at my school are broken into terms, getting .5 credit per term so that’s why some classes have two different grades)

State: In-state
GPA: 3.83 at time of applying, 3.868 currently
ACT: 28
AP Scores: AP Psych (4), AP Language and Composition (3)


Dance Team (1-4) (high involvement)
Band (1-4) (high involvement)
Musical Cast: 1 (high involvement
Musical Pit Orchestra: 2-4 (high involvement)
Choir (1-4) (high involvement)
Employment (Banquet Hall, Fleet Farm, Walmart, 20-25 hours per week)
FFA (10)
Leos (youth affiliate of Lions Club) (10)
Community Service
Church Youth Group (1-4)
Varsity Letters: Academic, Band, Choir, Dance Team x3 at time of application

Freshmen Classes:

Honors English 9: A (both terms)
Geometry: A, A-
Biology: A (both terms)
World History: A (both terms)
Family Foods: A-, A
PE: A- (.5 credit)
Symphonic Band: A (both terms)
Vocal Ensemble: A (both terms)

Sophomore Classes:

NWTC General Chemistry (college course at HS): A (both terms)
Japanese I: A (both terms)
Algebra II: A-, A
Honors English 10: A-, A
PE: A (.5 credit)
American History II: A (both terms)
Symphonic Band: A (both terms)
Vocal Ensemble: A (both terms)

Junior Classes: (My grades got bad because my depression was awful at that point)

AP Biology (took 1 credit out of 2 and then quit because the teacher wasn’t teach us anything): A
AP Language and Composition: A, A-
Civics: A (.5 credit)
AP Psychology: B+, B
PE: A- (.5 credit)
Personal Finance: B (.5 credit)
Pre-Calc: B-, C
Online Health Science (pass or fail): Pass (.5 credit)
Vocal Ensemble: A-, B
Symphonic Band: A

Senior Classes:

AP Environmental Science: A (both terms)
Fashion, Clothing and Textiles: A (both terms)
AP Computer Science: A- (submitted mid-year grade is at a B because my school screwed it up and told me after my grades were submitted that they forgot to factor in the first half, .5 credit)
Vocal Ensemble: A (first half)
Symphonic Band: A (first half)
UWGB Introduction to Human Biology: A (dual-enrolled, taken at college)
UWGB Intro to Sociology: A (dual-enrolled, taken at college)
UWGB Human Disease and Society: A: A (online college class)
UWGB Intro to Communication (online college class)
St. Norbert Intro to Literature: in progress (dual enrolled, taking at high school)
UWGB Principles of Biology: Cellular/Molecular: in progress (added after original application, taken at college)
UWGB Principles of Biology Lab: in progress (added after original application, taken at college)
UWGB Lab Safety: in progress (added after original application, online)
UWGB Prevention/Treatment of Athletic Injuries (added after original application, taken at college)

Planning on taking two more UWGB classes online during the summer (did not include this on comments in mid-year grade report)

Dropped: Accounting I, Human Anatomy I, second half of AP Computer Science (dropped to fit college classes, the last 4 UWGB classes were added after time of application and during the mid year grade report)