UW-Madison Chances

What are the chances of me being accepted into UW-Madison?

Half Mexican

Public school in Illinois

3.825 UW GPA
4.025 W GPA
ACT: 27
Class Rank: 7/326

AP classes:
Environmental Science
US History
English 11 Language & Composition
Calculus (AB) (this year)
Microeconomics (this year)

For any classes other than AP, I haven taken the highest level offered at my school

NHS (11 & 12)
Student Council (10, 11, & 12)
Varsity Soccer (9, 10, 11, & 12) (2 year captain)
Volleyball (9)

By the time I graduate I will also have several college credits
Community college classes:
Composition 101
Composition 103
Intro to Computers and Information Systems
Intro to Java Programming
Fundamentals of Communication (Speech)

Computer Science

Consider retaking the ACT to improve your score.

Your ACT is average for UW students- retaking it could improve it. Otherwise, keep up the good work! UW admits students to the university as a whole so your prosed major is irrelevant. Be aware that UW classes will be far more challenging than the CC classes, but you know how to study based on your gpa.