UW-Madison chances?

Hey, I’m applying to Madison for fall 2019. I’m hispanic (if that makes any difference). Here are my stats:
AP’s- 8
GPA- 4.0 (unweighted), 4.7(weighted)
AP Scholar
AP+PLTW scholar
president of ethnic club
co captain of dance team
2-year link crew member (and board)
leader in a club promoting STEM to youth
200+ hours as animal shelter volunteer
5 year tutor

A long response to help others as well.

Underrepresented minorities do have an advantage. Your credentials look good, regardless of other factors so it looks good. Importantly, it looks as though you can succeed at UW. Hopefully your AP exam results are high as well, meaning your school grades correlate with the AP test scores. Some schools do not do a great job teaching AP and students do not do as well on the AP exams.

Equally important is- once you get in can you afford UW? A very real factor for most, even elite, students. Merit money may not be forthcoming, even for NMS caliber students. No school is worth a lot of student debt.

You shouldn’t have any problem getting in. Apply for scholarships. There are a lot of schools that would offer some really good scholarships. TCU and Alabama would offer tuition scholarships. UT-Dallas would likely offer a full ride.

However, be sure to not merely consider costs. With your credentials you want a school with your academic peers. You do not necessarily want the cheapest option, but an affordable option that will give you the intellectual experience you deserve.