UW Madison Chances

I was wondering how holistic the Madison process is,

I am in-state,

I had very bad grades my freshman and sophomore year which led to my cumulative only being 3.0 but the last 2 year of high school I have a 3.5 cumulative

My act only made it up to a 25

My essays talk about how coming out in junior year had a effect on my grades and me as a person, and the other one talks about the change in friend groups That had a great work ethic and that’s why I want to go to Madison because they have great work ethic that I have become familiar with, aswell as talked about the marching band and why I want to be apart of it, and finial why I want to study music in

I have 14 extracurriculars:
Chemistry Tutor Grade 12
Band Grades 9 10 11 12
Marching Band Grades 9 10 11 12
Musical Grades 11 12
Jazz Band 11 12
TV tech Grades 9 10 11
Tennis Grades 9 10 12
Bowling Grades 9 10
Community service various throughout HS
ECO Club Grades 11 12
Saber Slate Grades 11
Instrument Lessons Grades 9 10 11 12
MYSO(Milwaukee Symphony Youth Orchestra) Grades 12
Indoor Purcusssion: 9 10 11 12

I have had 2 jobs in high school,
Walgreens 12
And Culver’s Grades 10 11

I have 4 letters of recommendation 3 of which are written by Madison grads.

It appears that your highest gpa is only 3.5, correct? Plus an ACT of only 25. You need to discuss colleges with your HS guidance counselor. Desire to be at UW is not the same as being prepared to handle the rigors of Madison. You need realistic choices as UW-Madison seems to be a very high reach for you.