UW Madison easy/interesting classes, Social Work 100 & Forestry100

I was wondering if anyone can recommend me some fun, interesting and gpa booster classes at UW Madison.
I am considering SocWork 100 & Forestry 100 with Mark Rickenbach but I don’t know what to expect and my major is not related with any of these directly but I found them kinda interesting. I think SocWork 100 is a new class, but the professor is Stephanie Robert and if there’s anyone that has taken classes with her, can you please help me know what to expect?

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I have no clue what your interests are but I enjoyed Genetics 133. Definitely a GPA booster, and it covers interesting modern topics in genetics. Not to mention it is a biological science credit if you need it.

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Sami culture in Scandinavian studies – counts for ethnic studies, my kid enjoyed it, learned a lot.

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Be warned- do not count on any course being an easy “grade booster”. Be prepared to do as much work in the survey courses as in your others. A nice thing about UW- vast numbers of classes to choose from- as long as they fit your schedule.

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wis75 is spot on. It’s very easy to get a C (and maybe worse) in an “easy” class if you don’t go to class and do sloppy work. American Indian Studies is a great class (meets the ethnic req) but 2 friends of mine did poorly for this reason. With an enrollment of 18 not showing up gets the notice of the instructor as well. Not good. Go to class, read the material, write the short papers, get the A . . . and learn something new.

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