UW-Madison GPA vs. Class Rigor & ACT considerations

How closely does UWM consider class rigor and test scores when examining GPA? For example, if someone takes almost entirely all honors courses and maintains a 3.7 GPA with an ACT of 32, how would their chances of being admitted be comparable to someone who takes much easier courses with a lower ACT score (26-29 range) but maintains a 3.8 or 3.9 GPA?

Look up their Common Data Set, section C7 to C9

No idea about UWM which is UW-Milwaukee.

Are you asking about UW?

Your school submits a statement as to the rigor of your coursework. You are expected to do well in the most rigorous classes available in your HS in general. Thais means students are not penalized for not having as many AP/Honors classes available to them. Getting B’s instead of A’s because it is an AP/Honors class will hurt, not help. The best students will get A’s in the most rigorous classes. Likewise, getting B’s because your HS is elite/tops/difficult… doesn’t mean getting B’s trumps someone from another school who got A’s. The gpa range you quote is too narrow to be meaningful, btw.

Students with high test scores who underperform, eg have a low gpa (I won’t hazard a guess as to what is low) may not get admitted because UW may feel that while they have potential they likely do not have the study skills needed to be successful at UW. Also- a rising gpa, with highest grades junior year, can offset a slow start. This is why absolutes do not always tell the whole story and students will be accepted/denied with stats higher/lower than others.

All you can do is consider your own record. Never try to game the system- that can backfire. Take classes to educate yourself, learn the material and the better grades are likely to be there. There is a reason UW uses “holistic” practices. Numbers alone do not paint the whole picture.

Sorry for the lack of clarity, I was referring to Madison (which I know now is UW not UWM). I made some hypothetical situations, so I agree that range isn’t particularly meaningful. The part about not gaming the system and focusing on learning material is the most helpful, I have heard too many people quote numbers and scores in order to compare their chances of success. Thanks for the responses.