UW-Madison or IU Kelley DA?

<p>I have been admitted directly into Kelley through petition so I didn't get the scholarship and I got into wisconsin LSA and plan on transferring into the business school and I'm wondering which is the better option. Is Madison as a city worth more than the ranks that Kelley has on wisconsin?</p>

<p>If you are already in to Kelley and have to transfer into the business school at Madison, you should definitely go to Kelley. Transferring into a top business school is no easy task and considering that you have already gotten into Kelley (a fantastic school!) it would be silly to give that up in the hopes of transferring into another one. I just got back from visiting Indiana yesterday (I got in to Madison and Indiana) and I personally think that Indiana’s campus is fabulous. Although it doesn’t have the city and the lake, it is GORGEOUS and I would be happy walking around there! Both are fantastic campuses, so I would say stick with Kelley! Good luck :)</p>

<p>Getting into the Business School @ Wisc is not a transfer, its a competitive applicaiton process and depends on how you did in the pre-business courses @ Wisc, essays, and participation in clubs/groups. If you work hard, odds are you stand a good chance of getting in @ Wisc, but it’s not guaranteed. I attend Wisc and love it!</p>