UW-Madison: Senior Course Changes

I recently got accepted to UW-Madison. My plan is to major into art; graphic designing. At the end of the first semester, I switched two of my courses that I was going to take. I decided to discontinue AP Calculus. I had a passing grade for the course, but I changed it to a college credit class called Intro to Sociology. The other class that I changed was Economics, and I changed it to Advanced Photography because I needed more things to take that was related to the major I’m going for. Will Madison have a problem with this?? My guidance counselor said this would be okay, and I shouldn’t worry, but I am anyways… I have to contact the admissions office about my changes and I don’t quite know what to say.

Note: I already finished all of my math credits, and finance classes. Will this help with my excuse for changing courses?

Don’t worry. Just email admissions with your explanation.

Ditto the above.