UW Madison transfer

I applied as a spring 2017 transfer. I have since been diagnosed with a learning disability as a college freshman (a type of dyslexia). I’m sure this went undetected because I was a very hard working student in high school as I even took college courses and had good grades. Where I would struggle were timed tests like the ACT. Is it advantageous to notify admissions of my diagnosis? My current college authorizes time and a half on tests and it’s made a world of difference. I think if I do disclose my learning disability, it would explain my 24 ACT score. I graduated high school with college credits and will be considered a sophomore after my first college semester, so I hope this shows determination.

Did you graduate from high school in June 2016 or June 2015?

June 2016

UW-Madison doesn’t accept freshmen transfers. Will you have 24 transferable credits by December?

I met with a UW Advisor to inquire about a fall 2017 transfer because I thought I wouldn’t be able to transfer yet. But because I will have 24 credits, the advisor said I was eligible to transfer spring semester.

Transfers don’t have to submit an ACT score.

Well, they have my ACT score. This is why I’m trying to decide if it is to my advantage to notify admissions of being newly diagnosed with dyslexia. My other question is if admissions makes their decision by the end of December, some of my final grades may not even be posted yet. Therefore, what would admissions look at? My midterm GPA was 3.8. I am a white female majoring in special-education.