UW Madison vs UIUC vs UVA

I got accepted into UW Madison!

I am currently in a pretty happy dilemma choosing between these few schools. I am hoping to go into private equity or consulting as a future career. Details of my acceptances:

UW Madison: Letters and Science, need to transfer to business school after freshmen/sophomore year, high chance of finishing in 3 years. (Cheapest)

UIUC: Business (James Scholar), high chance of finishing in 3 years due to A Level credits

University of Virginia: Arts and Science, definitely need to spend 4 years as Mcintire School of Commerce requires it. Extremely competitive to get into Mcintire. Most expensive --> 100k USD more than UIUC or UW Madison due to 4 year requirement/ higher tuition fees. Alternatively, I can study economics and try to graduate in 3 years, although it will still be slightly more expensive than the two other schools.

Btw I am an international student from Singapore, and financial cost is a very important factor in my decision. UVA is probably the most prestigious among the 3 schools, but I am wary about the additional cost involved in attending UVA. Any opinions will be greatly appreciated! Really hope those who are attending UW Madison can comment on the social life, career prospects as well as academic rigour/reputation in UW Madison as compared to the other 2 schools. Thanks!! :slight_smile: