UW Madsion Chances Please

Gpa 3.6-3.7 unweighted, A very rigorous schedule
3.83-3.93 Junior year(upward trend)
I go to one of the most competitive high schools in New England and my gpa is low because i struggle in spanish( b’s and b-'s).
Sat- 1550, 800 math, 750 english
Sat Subject Tests-
800 History 800 Math Level 2 720 Physics
AP Scores
AP Physics 2- 5
Extracurricular- Youth Program 9,10,11, and 12
Math Team 9,10
Babysit 10 year old sibling 3 hours every school day since 11th grade 11, 12 (This is the reason I have not been able to join many extracurriculars)
50 Volunteer hours at Newton Wellesely Hospital
Harvard Summer School course in Physics
I feel like my essay is excellent, but who knows.

Prospective Comp Sci Major

OOS, with high test scores and strong unweighted gpa in rigorous schedule, suggests probably accepted, and if you apply early, may get an early acceptance. UW tends to admit the highest stat kids first, and then the middle tier often gets postponed to be part of the entire pool.

In completing your application materials, talk with your high school guidance counselor to see whether they can address the after school family commitments as part of their letter of rec.

And have the “money” talk with your family – UW out of state tuition is less than at private schools, but OOS costs (tuition plus room and board) is close to $50,000, and OOS families do not get much financial aid because the institution’s priority is to instate residents.

Ditto the above. btw- Wisconsin public schools are generally quite good. I would not count on my HS’s reputation, but rather the HS achievements as a marker of being a competitive student. Top grades and test scores mean more than the HS attended’ reputation.

Apply- if family finances mean you can afford OOS tuition and expenses (travel, books, room and board…).