UW offers 300 instaters from waitlist

<p>Undergraduate</a> Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison</p>

<p>No mention of OOS.</p>

<p>Press version with some new details</p>

<p>[WISCONSIN</a> STATE JOURNAL](<a href=“http://www.madison.com/wsj/mad/latest/452883]WISCONSIN”>http://www.madison.com/wsj/mad/latest/452883)</p>

<p>They won’t wrap up until mid-June? Yikes. How stressful for those involved.</p>

<p>barron, is it typical that in-staters be so heavily favored? Doesn’t bode well for an out of state waitlister… And I suppose in spite of reciprocity that MN residents are considered out of state in this context?</p>

<p>Last time they also took OOS. They might already have hit the OOS quota (25%). Minn is not considered OOS for this purpose. Or it was just good PR in a tough budget year. The UW was exmpted from the new round of budget cuts. Maybe this is the payback to the Governor–take care of more instate kids if possible. Makes sense to me.</p>

<p>I just got in OOS off of the wait list!</p>