UW on Beautiful Campus list

<p>America's</a> Most Beautiful College Campuses - Articles | Travel + Leisure</p>

<p>Page 22 has UW listed. But the view is only of Bascom Hill- they should have done a better, more picturesque photo.</p>

<p>Honestly, Madison is a very, very pretty town, but the UW-Madison campus itself is hardly one of the country’s “most beautiful.” It typically doesn’t make these lists, and it’s lucky to be on this one.</p>

<p>Eye of the beholder, Nova. Subjectivity reigns. On a crisp, sunny, fall day with the leaves turning, pretty much any college campus looks nice. FWIW, of the campuses I’ve personally visited, UW-Madison ranks right up there with Duke and Miami/Ohio on the pretty scale.</p>

<p>So many beautiful vistas- looking at the lake from many points, looking down to the Capitol, interesting (as opposed to boringly uniform) buildings… I personally think many of the so called architecturally great campuses are ugly- eg far too much red brick in an old style that doesn’t appeal to me, one I think may be in VA (not because the dissenting poster ids from there, either) and the uniformly dull Stanford campus- basically flat and colorless. Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder.</p>

<p>Actually it typically has made these lists since before Nova was an ---------. And that’s a LONG time.</p>

<p>[The</a> 50 Most Beautiful College Campuses - Prettiest Universities](<a href=“http://www.thebestcolleges.org/most-beautiful-campuses]The”>http://www.thebestcolleges.org/most-beautiful-campuses).</p>

<p>Beauty, of course, is in the eye of the beholder, but UW’s campus offers a little something for everyone and I think it rare, if not unique, in the extent to which this is true. The urban southeast campus gives way surprisingly quickly to the “traditional” Bascom Hill. The quadrangle leads down to Memorial Union at which the lovely Terrace overlooks Lake Mendota and introduces the isolated Lakeshore Path. Follow the path to the openness of the westside of campus with acres of green space separating examples of modern architecture. Continue to the western edge and you even get a touch of the residential around the UW Hospital and Eagle Heights. The iconic Frank Lloyd Wright-designed First Unitarian Church, while not on campus, is across the street from the hospital and serves as a kind of capstone to the whole campus experience. In my opinion the change and flow in landscape and building design is pleasingly successful in that it engages by contrast but never clashes.</p>

<p>And the Washburn Obervatory vista sits in the center of it all. Here is a picture from yesterday afternoon.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.soils.wisc.edu/~asig/webcam/archive/2011/10/16/hugesize0127.jpg[/url]”>http://www.soils.wisc.edu/~asig/webcam/archive/2011/10/16/hugesize0127.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>One possible reason that it is not better known is that the campus is large enough that visitors to the administrative and sports sides of campus, which are decidedly more urban, could come and go and never be aware of the totality of the experience. Do you think the ESPN crew got to see Picnic Point?</p>

<p>I believe the setting is what makes the campus special. There are some buildings I would be happy to see replaced but the setting is a true gem and virtually unmatched around the US ( and i have seen nearly all the good ones). To me UC Boulder in winter is probably the prettiest but Madison on a sunny fall day is right up there. During the game Sat ESPN had quite a few shots of downtown and the Terrace/lake. Looked very good. There are reasons the apps are goping through the roof. Most people around the US have no concept of how nice the campus is. When you show them they love it. That’s why I take a couple 180 degree campus pictures with me to the college fairs. Most have no idea there was even a lake let alone miles of lakefront and a park looking back at downtown.</p>

<p>LOL! </p>

<p>I can’t see what Novaparent wrote since she’s on my ignore list, but did she actually argue that the Wisconsin campus WASN’T one of the most beautiful? </p>


<p>Gee, 17 years before my kid decided to go to Wisconsin I went there in my professional role and thought then it was exceptionally beautiful. Everyone at the meeting I attended from around the world raved about the Union and the lake and hung out there too. Went sailing with a chap from the UK on the lake. I have seen a lot of campuses all across the country as an impartial visitor, and few compare unless you simply like old buildings and nothing else.</p>