^<v Game

<p>^ I hope so (but my parents aren’t very keen on the idea, so who knows?)
< I have no idea what career I want
v wants to be a doctor</p>

<p>^ Is incorrect.
< Wants to become a professor.
V likes Family Guy.</p>

<p>^ true.
< gets creeped out by stewie. ;p
v pwns at halo?</p>

<p>@beautifulnerd: you’re one of a few. living in florida, i’ve met my fair share of model wannabe’s. all except one fail at life.</p>

<p>^is wrong. I’ve never played halo
< don’t really play any video games
v will apply to at least one of HYPSM</p>

<p>^ nope. they seem overrated, especially with that grade inflation thing i heard about at harvard. top 20’s? yes.
< loves to dance.
v broke their phone recently</p>

<p>^ Not recently, but my old phone’s been through the washing machine several times.
< Has no idea what to do with his time now summer’s here.
v Has something fun to share.</p>

<p>^ i do. i recently threw my phone at my brother out of anger and it ended up missing him and breaking because it hit the wall. :] woo! but not really.
< is heading off to bed.
v probably isn’t going to sleep until late, like late, late night.</p>

<p>^ may be. maybe not. who knows… °(-<em>-)°
< is not as hairy as his name may imply. also wonders if the beautiful nerd’s lemon are hairy… °(-</em>-)°
v can count his/her alphabets.</p>

<p>^ Has too much body hair, no matter how much he/she denies it.
< I am repulsed by body hair.
v Is as bored as I am. . .</p>

<p>^ your boring. go shave yourself. :stuck_out_tongue: lolll
< i am pretty bored. so much for my name… and not that hairy…
V will shave that hairy lemon</p>

<p>^ Your does not mean you are. You’re does. :stuck_out_tongue:
< I know grammar.
V Hates lemons.</p>

<p>^ not really I actually enjoy them
< going to bomb her finals tomorrow
V likes to go to the apple store</p>

<p>^ is gonna nuclear bomb her test back-to-stone-age tommorow. I like apples. :stuck_out_tongue:
< made a big boo boo about the “you’re” grammar
V has done a frencher with his/her partner.</p>

<p>^ Nope. I’m single and have never done such a thing.
< Is thinking of the 4 books she has to finish reading.
V Is freaking tired.</p>

< wants to go to sleep; doesn’t want to give an essay at graduation
v is in Idaho</p>

<p>^ close
< is tired of feeling tired
v dislikes college football</p>

<p>^ nah it’s cool.
< lol. my bf loves college football. it’s kinda fun.
v has lost their thought at one point or another</p>

<p>@phuloridian: lol wow. well florida…everyone’s more apt to be a model than in arizona unless you count scottsdale rich kids.</p>

<p>^Is right
<can’t spell
vcan spell better than me</p>

<p>^ Yes. I’m impeccable
< Likes food
v Also likes food.</p>

<p>^ Yes I do.
< used to be a baller.
v Is a baller?</p>