^<v Game

<p>^ it’s what you give to a recommendation writer if they don’t know you all too well (teachers/counselors) it’s for those college recommendations so that the teacher/counselor can write a more through and detailed recommendation for you. :] [good question]
< just googled to find that answer, thus concluding that google is the ultimate source for knowledge [but not really]
v hasn’t eaten breakfast yet.</p>

<p>^ Wrong.
< Has already eaten pierogies, cauliflower, and chocolate cake. (A fatty I am)
<Thanks phuloridian for her answer. I have done those before, just was not aware it was called a brag sheet. Also, props for the name.
v Knew what a brag sheet was.</p>

<p>^ did not, actually
< is watching scrubs.
v likes scrubs like <</p>

<p>^ is wrong
< doens’t do most comedy shows
v has gotten on omegle. haha</p>

<p>^ Unforutunetly correct.
< Thinks omegle is creepy regardless
v agrees with <</p>

< finds it awkward to talk to creepy strangers
v would also prefer to make friends the old fashioned way and talk to real people that actually have an identity</p>

<p>^ Wrong, I would chose not to make any friends anywhere
< Is tired
v Hasn’t showered yet</p>

< doesn’t like showers
v likes being covered in dirt</p>

<p>^ Wrong usually,
< Likes being covered in dirt when camping
v Likes camping</p>

<p>^ stole my spot.
< likes camping, but not in mosquito infested areas.
< seriously wants a truckload of white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.
v never knew how fun talking to strangers could be. :]]</p>

<p>^ is probably one of the creepers
< Kinds of wants to go on and pretend to be Spock like whoever did last night
v Thinks omegle is weird.</p>

<p>^ er…i hope i’m not. i just like messing with people, sometimes.
< thinks omegle is weird, but it’s entertainingly weird. :stuck_out_tongue:
v never wants to see another history book again, ever.</p>

<p>^ wrong. i love history lol.
< is eating lemon drops
v should be studying right about now.</p>

<p>^ so right, I am a procrastinating self-studier
< Have a headache
v Is disorganized</p>

<p>^ haha… you mean one folder for 7 classes isn’t organized?
< I don’t know what omegle is
<posted at the same time as the guy above
v is laughing at this thread</p>

<p>^ not really
< made this thread
< is on omegle. Starts every conversation with:
stranger danger!
want some candy?
v has a weird opener for omegle?</p>

<p>^yes, starts omegle with “your face looks like a bidoof”
<is waiting for summer to be here…
v-is also waiting for summer to be here…</p>

<p>^ Isn’t out of school yet
< Is hungry
v Likes pb&j sandwiches</p>

<p>What is omegle?</p>

<p>^ try it out: omegle.com
might be some creeper on there though. ;p
^ has been sheltered.
^ for stevenseagal: I LOVE THEM
< wishes thunderstorms would be less freakishly scary.
v is going to retake the SATs</p>