Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

If anyone wants to take the time to watch this 6 minute Dry Bar comedy routine by Bengt Washburn about Humans Will Believe Anything They Hear it’s quite a fun look at human nature - comedy, but not untrue. It also has nothing to do with Covid or Politics or anything controversial (so avoid it if you wanted something solely Covid related rather than having to apply it). Our family enjoyed it.

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For me, it’s difficult to feel sorry for this guy TBH since he continued to diss vaxes even after he was in the hospital, but I hope his death makes a difference for others who shared his anti-vax beliefs. Honestly, that’s the only “good” that can come out of the situation IMO. He made his choice and didn’t get to live with the consequences. Others still have the choice they can make if they want better odds.


@Creekland, I think the 180 degree change @mynameiswhatever is talking about is from politicians’ who thought their interests were best served by aligning with the “COVID is a hoax” and then later “Freedom over Fauci” approaches. They were in the short run. Those politicians were not taking a wait and see (let me get more info approach). They were playing politics.

Sadly, viruses don’t care about political slogans and now the states where politicians intentionally discouraged mask wearing, mask mandates, vaccinations and other kinds of protective behavior now are reaping the consequences. That is the 180 degree change.


Perhaps. I’m looking at people, including a few politicians, who refused to get vaccinated before who have recently decided to. We still have plenty around us who refuse. They all have common news sources.

Updates like this make me wince TBH. Deja vu that didn’t have to happen.

“A month ago, the number of Covid-19 patients admitted at two University of Florida hospitals in Jacksonville was down to 14. Now more than 140 people are hospitalized with the coronavirus, a tenfold increase over five weeks — and the highest number of Covid-19 patients this system has seen during the pandemic.”

“The situation is worrying across northeastern Florida. The Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville is on track to match or exceed its earlier record. Wolfson Children’s Hospital has its second-highest number of admissions, 45, after reaching 57 in January.”

"At UF Health Jacksonville, Dr. Haley said 90 percent of Covid-19 patients were unvaccinated and 5 percent were not fully vaccinated. The remaining 5 percent were vaccinated but also had significant comorbidities or were on immunosuppressant drugs.

Eighteen Covid-19 patients — all of them unvaccinated — had died this month as of Wednesday, compared with four in June. The median patient age, which before June had been 57, has since dropped to 52."


My massage therapist just cancelled our appointment. She was exposed to COVID. How…

A vaccinated person goes to a nightclub. This vaccinated person shares an apartment with another vaccinated person. Person who went to nightclub becomes symptomatic. They test positive. They are sick enough to take to their bed. Roommate is asymptomatic, has two negative tests and then the third comes back positive. Roommate is still asymptomatic. My massage therapist - who is not vaccinated - was exposed to this roommate. She is asymptomatic.

All in all - not reassuring.

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That’s nuts. I can’t believe they even got 3 tests! I thought I had it (when S came home from school he was sick, though tested negative; then H and I got sick, I tested twice, both negative; H didn’t test) and now I’m wondering if we did indeed have it.

Colds are still out there too, as is the flu. They’re in lesser numbers than other years due to hygiene, closures, and social distancing, but they haven’t gone away.

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True but this was like no cold I’ve ever had. Kind of normal cold symptoms for the first week but the cough lasted 6 more weeks.

This virus is a shape-shifting demon. I live not too far from the “epicenter” of the US epidemic and I am convinced I had it in early Feb 2020 (never ever lost my sense of smell at all before that little cold-ish “flu” that hit me back then). My elderly mother’s symptoms looked like a sudden onset of dementia that went away as soon as her blood oxygen levels went back up. No cough. Loss of appetite and sudden onset of erratic behavior. My sister had a lingering cough and fever, but no long covid. There is no way currently to predict how one will be affected by this evil virus.

Articles like this give me hope - if his listeners continue to follow the advice:

And this refers to more people truly seeing what is going on and getting vaxed. Not everyone is set in their ways:


Very sad that their motivation is probably seeing friends, family, and neighbors getting horribly sick and/or dying.

Just saw the NFL amped up its efforts this week to persuade holdout players to get vaccinated. Under the new rules, a team could be forced to forfeit a game if there is a coronavirus outbreak linked to unvaccinated players. The move has both competitive and financial implications: Players won’t get paychecks for forfeited games, the NFL said.


Regarding COVID-19 case rates (7 day averages) in California…

Date Cases / 100k % vaccinated Cases / 100k unvaccinated Comment
2020/07/10 25.8 0% 25.8 Last summer maximum
2020/09/08 7.8 0% 7.8 Last fall minimum
2021/01/06 100.9 0.2%? 101.1 Last winter maximum
2021/06/12 2.1 58%? 5.0 Recent minimum
2021/07/18 10.2 62%? 26.8 Last week

Yes, the numbers are kind of rough estimates, but it looks like unvaccinated people are basically experiencing case rates similar to what the entire population experienced at the last summer maximum.

But many apparently voluntarily chose not to get vaccinated (vaccines became easy to get in California around early May), so it is a matter of suffering the personal consequences for their personal choices.


Were it only this simple. Others will also suffer from their personal choices.

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We could also ban people from certain events if they aren’t vaccinate - flying on airplanes, attending sporting and music events, eating in restaurants. Positive or negative incentives, I’m okay with either.

My daughter who isn’t vaccinated is going to Hawaii in Sept. She’s already run into a lot of resorts that won’t let her stay there. I’m fine with that.

I read today that a couple of NFL coaches are refusing vaccinations and guess what? They are going to lose their jobs. Good. These aren’t coaches who are requesting a medical or religious exemption, just don’t want to be vaccinated. Out.


The virus can’t travel from place A to place B by itself. People who carry it do. I agree that the most effective way to stop its spread is to keep its potential carriers from traveling as much as possible. That could mean all forms of public transportation.

Unfortunately, a cough can last that long. Happened to me several times well before the pandemic hit.

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Poll: 45% of unvaccinated Americans definitely will not get vaccinated, and 35% probably will not.

Be careful about entering an elder care home or moving your elderly relatives into one. Those moving into such places are often medically vulnerable (even after vaccination), but many elder care homes have large numbers of unvaccinated staff.

Lack of trust in the employers may be related to vaccine refusal, as noted in the above page (and elsewhere).

Another page on the subject:

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