Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

The latest word is October. His department plans on being onsite 2x/week. Seems like each department is deciding what works best for them/their employees. I have no data on reluctance, sorry. Most of the people he has spoken to are vaxxed, but it’s a huge company, so it’s just a small sampling, really.

It will be interesting to see what Fall and October brings. I think that as various government entities and businesses start adopting a vaccine requirements it will be easier for others to jump on board. Google may have a big impact on how tech companies respond. I hear that Apple is considering their policy as well.

I do find it interesting that at some large companies that decisions of this potential magnitude are being made at the departmental level. Leadership vacuum ?

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One of my favorite streaming providers…


And Facebook and Google are requiring.

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FB :+1:


Could be related to company employee demographics. Companies like Google probably have mostly employees who got the vaccine as soon as they could. But that is not necessarily the case with some other companies or industries.

Let’s not forget that Facebook said in December it was not going to require vaccination. So things are definitely changing. Facebook will not require employees to get a COVID-19 vaccine. This is article from last year.

So the couple that H and I have a small side business with have Covid. They are not vaccinated. I know the wife was visiting someone here in San Diego last weekend (they live an hour north) because she posted pictures on Facebook. They both have high blood pressure and he has some other health issues. H received a text that said they are at the hospital and will let us know how it goes. I really hope they are both alright.


Co-Founder of Home Depot gets it right…


@bluebayou, I agree that is not fair or accurate to say that all of the non-vaccinated are stupid. First, let’s strip out people with valid medical reasons not to be vaccinated. Not sure what that proportion is but probably not that big. Let’s strip out all of the people under the age of 12 as IQ or not, they can’t be vaccinated at this point.

A fair group of people live in and/or choose to live in an information ecosystem that has been hyping up rage at the government for years (trying to take away our guns and our ways of living). Vaccination is presented as another way that the evil government is trying to control us. Pastors are saying it is the work of the devil etc. And Fox News has been attacking covid responses including vaccine usage in many ways – it is a hoax, it can be cured by hydrochloraquine, it is just a cold or flu, it is not as bad as the flu, masks aren’t needed, it is child abuse to make kids wear masks, it is the the liberals forcing us to do stuff, it is abridging our freedom of choice, etc. So, for many, it is has become a political choice. They don’t even need to find or evaluate the science/facts because they know that the correct answer, as defined by tribal identification, is already clear.

Here is an article about a social environment in which anti-vaxxing is the norm and getting the vaccine is a source of shame: ‘What’s Covid?’ Why People at America’s Hardest-Partying Lake Are Not About to Get Vaccinated - POLITICO. It is hard to say whether these folks are stupid or not. If they had the same set of facts as we do and make a different judgment, one might call them stupid. But, they are not getting the same facts that we do. On the other hand, the illogic of some of their statements does not reflect well on their intellect.


These folks aren’t gonna wear masks even if you paid them, regardless of any mask mandate, so let Darwin cull the herd…if enuf of their family and friends get sick, maybe they’ll change their tune (but not likely).

In the meantime, let’s keep up an aggressive health education program for those that are open to see the light.

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I think workplaces like HomeDepot mandating will give some people “cover” to get a vaccine. They don’t have to admit they were wrong. Just “ ugh my job is making me, what can I do?”


Tell the BIL to exercise a little judgement as to the differences in some people’s sense of humor. I’ve passed along a pic of a mama rat, nursing close to a dozen ratlets, to a few old friends who were vaccinated. Asked them to tally nipples each morning and let me know if they ever lost count. Seems neither of us were so certain of our choice we couldn’t laugh.

We’ve gone from: get the vaccine and go back to normal, to get the vaccine and the dangers are still such that we have to put the masks back on. Not much of an inducement anymore, no matter which ‘side’ you’re on.

Maybe it’s time to treat it like seasonal flu, since it’s beginning to resemble it pretty closely. Let those who want it get the occasional jab, drop the masks, and go back to living.

If Darwin’s rule culls the herd, it will mostly fall on those who made the choice to bend their head for it. The first round of official response was deadly enough I doubt it could come close being matched, anyway.

Just to be clear, the reason masks are back “on” in places is to protect those who aren’t vaccinated from those who are and may be asymptomatic rather than showing symptoms.

And the reason we don’t want it spreading is because so many are unvaxed that it’s overwhelming some hospitals again, plus could cause an even more dangerous variant than the one we have (which is FAR deadlier and nastier than the flu).

If enough had cared to get vaxed we wouldn’t be in the situation we’re in now, but there’s too much misinformation and “I only care about me” folks out there.

It isn’t those vaxed who are messing with the world and economy, etc, now.


I don’t think I’m alone when is say I’m aware of the current rationales for all of this, but what I have trouble understanding is why anyone believes all of them.

The guidance from the CDC has shifted so much, along with what the media and Fauci has put out, that it’s become really hard to believe the latest is true. When about one half of previous reported facts directly contradict the other half, it becomes obvious even to those who don’t do cable news that it can’t all be true.

I fear the universal vaccine efforts will come to naught, no matter the sticks or the carrots. Might be better to just move on and enjoy what time we all have.


Ummm, only the 1918 H1N1 flu outbreak killed as many people in the USA as COVID, and half the population is still not vaccinated, so we may see another 200,000 more dead at this rate. So no.

For those of us who understand how disease and vaccinations work, there is a huge inducement. There is a difference between going about your business as usual just with a mask, and masking + social distancing, + avoiding any place that is too crowded, etc, etc.

If masking is the only thing that somebody who is unvaccinated does to protect themselves, their level of protection is pretty low.

If they “mask” up the way that I saw some numbskulls doing, with the mask under the nose, well, they have no protection at all (though they do spread it less).

If everybody was vaccinated, COVID would be like a particularly bad flu epidemic. Unfortunately, with half the population unvaccinated, the number of sick people around increases the chance of infection for vaccinated people as well. Moreover, since the unvaccinated people are such a great petri dish, new and more contagious variants will continue to emerge.


@ucbalumnus, you are correct here. it should say “increase the number of people to choose not to get vaccinated” (or it could say “decreases the number of people to choose to get navigated”).

I will edit my post if I can.

To the militant unmasked/unvaxxed, I would say, “Mask up, roll up, grow up.”

I have skimmed this thread, and at this point I really relate to the “epidemic of anger” that the NYT has written about from the vaccinated. Please note that I am NOT referring to the people who cannot medically get vaccinated. I am also not referring to people like someone’s son here on the spectrum who won’t get vaccinated yet, as I am assuming he is properly masking and distancing.


And to be equally fair, there’s a large portion of the population that does not fit your description that is also not getting the vaccine. Many of them live in areas that skew the other way and would never listen to Fox News, etc. It’s apparent in many cities around the country where a majority of these individuals certainly don’t fit your description. But let’s just keep mostly blaming it on one subset of Americans because that will surely make everyone want to get vaccinated sooner.