Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Is her reply “I told you so”?


NYC just instituted vaccine requirement for indoor excercise and dining! Yay


what about for those under 12. Are kids no longer going to be allowed in restaurants? I would assume exempt, but they have seen in Israel that kids can still spread it.

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I would not be surprised if the more COVID-19-concerned people (who are vaccinated to the extent possible) have already started to avoid indoor restaurant dining (especially if they have under-12 kids who cannot yet get vaccinated) as news and sound bites about the Delta variant and breakthrough infections reach them.


MSFT calls for vaccinations…


Get in gear FDA! Dot those i’s and cross those t’s. Hire more GS 13s if you must…

If cruise lines can require vaccines so can airlines. Or at least consistently enforce the mask mandate.

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Those kinds of companies are likely to have demographics that are already vaccinated, or at least not strongly opposed to getting vaccinated.

I predict things are going to get ugly soon with the general U.S. public as more places go back to requiring masks and the vaccine reluctant staying reluctant. I feel like this time around people are NOT going to be polite on either side.


True, but for many of the people that work there it will be a welcomed step towards normalcy.

Louisiana reinstated its indoor mask mandate. It only took an outbreak the size of last January’s, but at least it’s happening. They have the lowest vaccination rate of any state, but hopefully that will change as well.


Tyson is onboard…


I wondered about vaccine mandates and kids also. There must be an exemption although I haven’t seen it reported in any news stories. It would prevent parents or grandparents bringing children into restaurants.

Unvaxxed is unvaxxed. If they’re doing all this to protect people. Not that I necessarily agree but it would be bad optics.

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Quoting Bill de Blasio

everyone in New York City, 12 and older, the vast majority of New Yorkers, will now have a very, very clear standard to meet. If they want to do any of these wonderful activities indoors, go get vaccinated, at least one dose. If you’re not willing to get vaccinated, then you’re not going to be participating in either the work or the enjoyment of all these places.


So it’s not for public health purposes, as far as keeping people in the restaurants safe.


We certainly have been avoiding indoor dining – though we barely got started.


I’m regarding your question as rhetorical. :grin:


9 days after announcing we wouldn’t have a vaccine mandate ( unvaxxed employees would have to wear masks ) my firm announced that they were indeed instituting a mandate. They cited all the other companies mandating it.


My reluctant (lazy) daughter got her first vaccine in June. I forced her, and in the end she was glad I did. Today she got her second and a $100 gift card. You have to go to a state site that move around from day to day, usually in Walmart or discount food type parking lots. She had to wait about 30 minute in total. No ID required, no insurance even asked for. The did put her name in a data base and her gift card has to be processed to work (by tomorrow). She’s very happy.

Denver mayor announced that all city worker, all school district teachers and workers have to be vaccinated by Sept 15. He encouraged private businesses to require it.