Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

If you are an unvaccinated health care worker then you should be unemployed


I think not treating unvaccinated folk would violate the Hippocratic oath. But, putting them lower on the triage list when beds or medical resources are scarce would not violate that oath as I understand it. Insurers would probably want to charge unvaccinated folks more for insurance.


OMG. My uncle and aunt have been staying with my dad on the weekends at his long term care facility in Austin. We didn’t think to ask if they’d been vaccinated. They haven’t!!! And now my aunt is ill with COVID! They haven’t been with Dad for a couple of weeks at least. My sister called my uncle, who said it’s been pretty rough for my aunt. Sis told him we hoped he would get vaccinated so he could continue to stay with his brother. Uncle chuckled and said he wouldn’t be doing that because of what he’s heard about the vaccines. I feel like I’m in the twilight zone or something. My aunt is staying at their granddaughter’s house. That young lady is pregnant. And oh yeah, my uncle has prostrate cancer.

Uncle told Sis he will come get their stuff from Dad’s. Sis asked the caregiver to put it outside the exterior door.

I just can’t, anymore. It will be really hard for me to socialize with my aunt, uncle, and other relatives who are so unbelievably foolish.

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I don’t blame you. The “chuckled” part would have really ticked me off.

This isn’t even remotely amusing, especially after everything your Dad has been through.


TL;DR version: not all COVID-19 patients in the hospital were admitted for COVID-19 (they were admitted for other reasons and then found to have COVID-19) and may have mild or asymptomatic cases. From a study of 50,000 COVID-19 patients at 100 VA hospitals:

Patients % mild or asymptomatic
Pre-vaccine 36%
After vaccines available 48%
Vaccinated 57%
Unvaccinated after vaccines available 45%

I wouldn’t want to socialise with relatives like that at all anymore.

Those are the kind of relatives you next meet at the funeral. Politely shaking hands, or bumping elbows, as the case may be.

I’m very sorry.


If dear Unc and Auntie lied to or bullied Dad about taking them in despite their lack of vax, then there is an issue of potential abuse and should be dealt with. Otherwise, breathe a sigh of relief that Dad hasn’t been affected but let him choose who he associates with. Same with Auntie’s granddaughter.

It would be truly sad if something like a vaccine had such power to divide families.

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“I wouldn’t want to socialise with relatives like that at all anymore.”

Yes. Exactly what I’m thinking.

A non-family member just texted me that my uncle has taken my aunt to the ER. I’m so mad. This was totally preventable.

My dad knew his brother and SIL were unvaccinated. So I’m mad at Dad, too. Maybe “utterly discouraged” would be a better description. Dad knows what it’s like to be on a ventilator - repeatedly. :cry::rage:


And that is the ultimate sad part of all of this. So much is preventable now, but some people reject it.


Just read in our local paper that a 58 yr old police sergeant died of COVID. He was one of the minority in his dept who was not vaccinated.

Angers me that this was so PREVENTABLE!!!

Same paper reported Nicki Minaj is not attending this year’s Met Gala because it requires attendees to be vaccinated. Good for her—don’t give a damn about this glitterati event or who attends. Somehow this is newsworthy.

Don’t wish this disease on anybody, but I’m sick of the deathbed “Don’t do like I did, get vaccinated!!!” cries.


We lost our first local teacher yesterday. Early 30s. I do not know vaccination status, though I could guess no. Only 55% are vax’d.

the problem with this study is that Delta is mostly not part of this. I think Delta changed the game.

Israel does track hospitalizations in general, Serious cases, and then those in ICU, and then on Vents. But their system allows for this tracking

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Shaking hands with the deceased person in the coffin (or their ashes if they were cremated to prevent spread of infectious diseases that they died of) seems just a little unusual

Interesting call-in show on WNYC (NYC public radio) with listeners calling in to talk to an epidemiologist about their vaccine reluctance:


I hate to break it to your FB friend, the govt is very involved in our day to day lives
every day of our lives.

I stop at the stop sign at the end of the street because the govt says I have to.

I wear a shirt and shoes into the store because the govt says I have to.

I wear a seat belt because the govt says I have to.

I couldn’t drink alcohol until I am 21 because the govt says so.

My kids had to go to school because the govt says so.

You all get the idea


Continuing the thought process -
I expect the government to step in and supply whatever is necessary to keep my hospitals running and available, whether it’s a supply of ventilators, the national guard to staff hospitals etc.

The government has helped supply what is necessary to accomplish this. The vaccine.


Unfortunately that wasn’t enough to keep our hospitals running. Now they have to resort to mandating the vaccine. If only there was a middle ground where enough people would make choices to benefit their community

One of my FB friends (high school acquaintance actually) lost her stepson last week to Covid. In her post, she alluded to the fact that he had stubbornly refused the vaccine. He leaves behind a wife and infant daughter. On his FB page, I read the saga of his wife literally begging their FB friends for help in getting him transported to a large city hospital for ECMO (he was at a small regional), but everywhere they checked, there was a wait list (at one hospital, they were told he was 18th on the waiting list for ECMO). The wife and her husband’s Dad posted on the page, literally begging for anyone in the medical field who might have influence to help him jump the line and get a bed. The desperation in their posts was obvious and I felt their pain. In the responses, all they got were “lifting you up in prayer” and praying emojis. All of their friends are just regular folks without access to CNN or any other avenue available to the wealthy and well connected.

This is in Texas, where large cities have MANY hospitals. Covid patients are literally taking almost all of the ICU beds.

This man was only 41 years old, and looking at his FB photos, he appeared slim and healthy. You just can’t always predict who is going to be the exception to the “old and infirm” rule.

He almost certainly would be alive today if not for his vaccine “reluctance.” So frustrating.