Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

They sure do! Unless there is surveillance testing, any school’s numbers are suspect. In my district honor system for vaccination status. Delays for getting testing results, contact tracers overwhelmed, no way of effectively contact tracing for secondary schools, parents sending sick kids to school…and I can go on. As long as so many kids are asymptomatic, this will continue.

sounds like the 12 and under vaccine is coming soon. I’m curious on percentages who will get it. Thoughts?

There was a poll yesterday by Kaiser Permanente. I can’t find it now. Found this.

Will also be interesting to see if public K-12 schools require the vaccine, some public colleges do, so there’s that. Has anyone heard any rumblings in their local school districts? Clearly I know the southern states won’t require them, but maybe California? New York? Illinois?

From what I remember about the Kaiser poll, which I am assuming is mostly California? the numbers were about the same, but there were 4 groups instead of the 3 from CBS. But the “yes” was in the 30-40% range, similar to CBS.

The image you posted is a poll from CBS News done by pollster YouGov: CBS News poll: Will parents get their younger kids vaccinated? - CBS News

There is a Kaiser Family Foundation (different from Kaiser Permanente medical facilities, medical group, health plan) poll here: KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: Vaccination Trends Among Children And COVID-19 In Schools | KFF . This one shows that in September 2021, 34% of parents of children age 5-11 will get the kids vaccinated right away, 32% will wait and see, 7% only if required, and 24% definitely not.

Waiting to see what happens in Jan in CA in LA county when those 12 and older are required. How many parents will now choose to “homeschool” their children; how many kids just not longer are schooled.
To enter Kindergarten there are vaccine requirements. Many of these vaccines have been around for centuries and are part of normal new born care. Here we have a vaccine that has not even been out a year, and has been deemed “safe” because of the billions who have taken it. But there is no long term data for the 18 and under set on whether the vaccines have long term issues that we are currently just not seeing. We have , in the past, seen that in childhood vaccines. I recall one vaccine that my kid were to receive that was pulled. My friend with daughters who have not even entered puberty yet (they are 12) is not getting them vaccinated yet. I think she does have a rightful concern. If I still had kids under 16 I would likely be hesitant, and if i lived where they now required a new vaccine I would think twice.
Please not that I am not vaccine hesitant for myself and my family and likely getting a booster. I had a member that was antivax and I pushed until they got vaccinated. In this thread, there is a majority that thinks that vaccines are the only answer to this Covid issue, and those who choose not to vaccinate are bad human beings. There are countries that are very highly vaccinated with almost all their 12 and up population (portugal with almost 90 percent), yet there are still cases , and this is here to stay. I trust the vaccine weighing in with my risks, and if the vaccines “work” and lets say in the schools, that all teachers and staff are vaccinated, why push this on kids until there is more data. Do 12 year olds still get their periods on time? Are there reports of heart issues?


Yes that’s the one

Difficult issue. Given the low incidence of covid in most of California now, and the very low risk it poses to young children, I am not sure this was a wise decision to mandate it for public schools.


So the percentage is not really that much higher than the percentage of pregnant women who got the vaccine. Of course there is the group of “wait and see” which will be larger than the “wait and see” group amongst pregnant women. The low uptake of the vaccine in pregnant women was disappointing to the experts.

“According to CDC data, only 31 percent of pregnant people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 and vaccination rates vary markedly by race and ethnicity.”

This thread is about “ vaccine hesitancy” my point was only to contribute to the topic. I realize that most on this topic do not think there are any valid reasons not to be vaccinated. Just offering some anecdotal information.Perhaps only vaccine supporters should post?


I really think we are on a slippery slope where there will be no more vaccines mandates in public schools. There are states where the administration is already talking about getting rid of all vaccine mandates for children.

All it will take is some questionable data, cries of medical freedom and how parents know best for their children, and comments about how, even with the vaccine, there are still cases, there’s a high survival rate, and why are you worried if your kid is vaccinated? Then all bets are off.

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This is 100%, absolutely, not true.


What are valid reasons to forgo getting the Covid-19 vaccines?


Medical reasons. A neighbor to us had a severe reaction to another vaccine that contains one of the same components. His doctor told him not to get the vax. I heard this back when there were just the two mRNA approved, so I don’t know if J&J is different and he’s since got that or if it has the same “filler” in it and he can’t.

There is a small percentage of our population who are allergic to ingredients and there are likely some other medical reasons individuals shouldn’t get the vax.

Aside from those, I see no good reasons personally. I guess I could add if someone lives a hermit life and doesn’t come in to see people (or shop) more than once or twice per year that would be safe enough, but I think most of the population has no desire to do that.


Many of the religious exemptions I approved stated that they would be willing to take a vaccine that did not implicate the fetal cell issue, like Novavax, and since that is currently in testing, they in effect wanted 6 month extensions. Seems reasonable.


Reasonable if they also avoid all other medications that are similarly implicated, including some treatments for Covid if they become infected.


So they claim. Realistically, I am not in a position to monitor their medical habits or DNR orders, nor do I want to be.

The exempted do not resemble what some posters claim at all, at least not at my company. Everyone exempted has an annual salary exceeding 100k, due to the nature of our industry. They are degreed. Most are married. Almost all own homes. They are mostly over age 30. Their tension between complying with the vaccine mandate and their religious beliefs is palpable and sometimes heart breaking.

I do not share strong religious beliefs, but I can acknowledge others do.


I know some people who are waiting for Novavax. Not sure what the holdup is. Seems to have done well in trials.

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Exactly. So they claim.

They say they don’t take any medicines or treatment with similar testing origins. They claim that god told them they shouldn’t get vaccinated or that they believe they will be safe with just prayer. Maybe they’re telling the truth, maybe they’re not. Maybe they believe it, maybe they don’t.

It basically means that anyone can get a religious exemption.

You shouldn’t have to be put in that position, but here we are. And, as I posted above, I really think we are going to see more and more objections to all vaccine mandates on religious grounds, including ones for public schools.