Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Do you think we, on CC, are the only ones seeing him state that he isn’t getting vaxxed and doesn’t feel he should?

People don’t just preach with admonitions to others. They preach by what they do and say. If he wanted to be quiet about it, he could have quietly left and gone elsewhere. I do that often when I disagree with a business or something/someone. I see no need to make a statement about it unless I want others to join me.


My 93 year old FIL is now refusing a booster because at least one idiot out there cautioned, “we don’t know what’s in it and what might come down the road.” (FIL’s words for not getting it)

He had no issues with his first two vaxxes, but has fallen prey to the misinformation folks - this even when he’s seen other doctors on TV say that anyone over 65 should be getting boosters.

It only takes one to sow doubt for those who are easily swayed and not secure in seeing multitudes of data showing odds. Some humans are naturally inclined to doubt for whatever reason.

And for him, at 93 with no issues from the first two, why is he concerned about what might happen down the road? It makes no sense to us. Some idiot could, indeed, be responsible for his death if he ends up getting Covid, but they will likely happily go on with their lives continuing to spout nonsense.


Does he wash his hands before seeing patients? I’m guessing yes, because he knows it helps stop spread of disease. He admits the vaccine does the same. But if he’s so selfish that he won’t get the vaccine because he’s worried about long-term side effects, that’s him worrying about himself only. Not the patient or the common good. He should not be in healthcare with that attitude.
Also, since he is unvaccinated, he should always be wearing a mask - especially since he’s high risk with his occupational exposure, yet he admits he doesn’t always wear a mask in public. Again, selfish. Not looking out for the well-being of others. He could easily be a super spreader in public places.
Finally, he says he’s fit so will be ok if he gets it. Too many examples where that is not true. And, again, he stresses HE will be ok. No acknowledgement of the risk to others. Or spreading it to his co-workers. If everyone in the ER got sick, we would all be in trouble. I feel sorry for his patients and co-workers.


Seems like the long term effects of the vaccine (reduced risk of getting COVID-19, especially more serious cases) are a lot more desirable than the long term effects of getting COVID-19 (various kinds of “long COVID” after-effects, plus medical bills). Not sure if “selfish” is the best word to describe acts that are against one’s own self-interest (as well as others’ benefit).


He’s either selfish or has an agenda, which is what I think Creekland was suggesting as well.


if that was all creekland was suggesting, I would whole heartedly agree. But that wasn’t even close: what creekland suggested was that people died as a result of this unvaccinated doc. To me, that’s a strong position to take without a cite.

“Selfish” would probably correspond to “bandits” in Carlo M. Cipolla’s groupings. Those who harm both themselves and others would be in a different group.


The last thing Alabamians need is a doctor who’s anti-vax and who fails to properly mask. I find it easy to believe that his behavior has indeed influenced patients under his care. Just look at the situations mentioned on CC in which relatives were turned from either being neutral (accepting, but not gung ho) or positive about vaccines to anti-vax because of just one person’s ignorant remarks. I’m not surprised that Redwood found employment in AL, but saddened all the same.


I suggested that people could die if they followed the example he’s promoting by not getting vaxxed and giving the interview promoting that fact. He’d be the one responsible for their deaths. I doubt he’s on TV giving an interview and not sharing the same info among friends/family/workplace.

If he wanted to be quiet about it he could have. No one forced him to do the interview.


I found out the other lady who died from my church prayer requests emails this month was just 51. I feel for her kids and family. Her miracle would have been the vaccine had she chosen to get it rather than assume she would be fine or that it was a hoax or whatever her specifics were.

Accidents happen. Cancer and other evil diseases happen. Covid is evil, but there’s free preventative help to ward off the evil. One only has to get it.

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I really don’t even understand why he hasn’t get vaccinated.

He says he’s vaccinated against other illnesses, complies with the flu shot mandate, but feels as if the risks of the Covid vaccine outweigh the benefits for someone like him who doesn’t have the obvious risk factors associated with worse Covid outcomes.

He says he wears masks when he goes to stores and other public places (but not always) and offered to test regularly for Covid, but wasn’t asked to do so. Says he’s only had one Covid test during the whole pandemic. He’s a doctor so he knows he could have been asymptomatic at various times. Wears protective gear on the job, but again, as a doctor, knows all that gear still isn’t 100% effective.

Says he sees how terrible it is for unvaccinated people, who make up most of the ER Covid patients, but still wouldn’t get vaccinated himself.

I just don’t get it.

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Some people just want to be martyrs. He found his hill to die on - governmental vaccine mandates.


Both hospitals he worked at were private non-profit hospitals.

It’s only a matter of time before he gets covid, and when he does, he will almost certainly infect someone else. I’m frankly amazed at your argument here. There is literally no justification for this man’s selfish and foolish stance. None. He took an oath to do no harm and his actions show he doesn’t care about his oath. He has an agenda and is pushing it.


So? Makes no difference. Without the larger mandates, I doubt there would have been private mandates.

ETA: as far as I understand this, if these private hospitals accepted federal funds from the CMS, they had to comply with vaccinations mandates.

A federal judge has put the CMS mandate on hold…

Cleveland Clinic to allow the unvaccinated to be tested frequently instead of the mandate.

btw: even Amtrak, scheduled to received billions more in federal aid, has backed off its mandate.

This lawsuit made our local news:

“Smith was administered his first dose on Dec. 5, two days after Vedder’s decision in the court case. The administering doctor halted the treatment when, after two doses, Smith’s condition grew worse.”

He had been on a ventilator since Nov 21 so one can’t say Ivermectin killed him, but it also certainly didn’t save him. He was 52. There seem to be a lot of people in their 50s dying around here lately - or at least hitting my radar with their deaths. I suppose three isn’t technically a lot, but I’ve learned about them (or their age for the 51 year old) today.

It’s not in the article, but I’m sure folks are out there saying this guy died because he didn’t get it soon enough.

Another case of a physician, cardiothoracic surgeon, who refuse to get vaccinated ,and takes it to another level.
Google go fund me Auteri.

I just found out an aunt is not getting vaccinated because surely getting millions of people vaccinated is a ploy by Big Pharma to rack in billions from public funding.
I am taking my time to reply to the screed so that I offer a factual, flat-affect reply :slight_smile: (My real answer would be emotional, she took me in when I was a teen, she’s a good person who’s been infected with misinformation, and I don’t want her to die.)
I think that a person in the hospital for Covid stays there for at least a week and each day is administered several drugs, and if in the ICU must take something like 30 different doses a day.
(Hence, if Big Pharma really wanted to rack in billions, it’d be easier by letting as many people as possible get hospitalized.)
← playing into her belief system with facts that both comfort it and belie her belief the vaccine is pointless. Well, trying to.
Does anyone know the substances, drugs, brands of the products administered to covid patients in the hospital? How many drugs are administered in a day? I did try to look it up and found this but it’s not usable for my aunt :s


An MD, a highly paid surgeon cannot afford legal counsel? I smell a rat.