Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Adding to “vaccines work” and “younger folks can die” stats, here’s the latest US military update. The oldest two on this most recent update were 50, youngest 30. One never knows the future, but they could have lost out on decades of life, all because they didn’t want to get vaxxed.

Eighty troops have died of COVID-19 complications, according to the Defense Department’s most recent data, including five deaths in November and three so far in December.

None of the troops who have died have been fully vaccinated, though two were partially vaccinated at time of death, according to the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The most recent deaths include:

Electronics Technician 1st Class William E. Matthews, 47, of Navy Reserve Center Fort Worth, Texas, died Nov. 24.

Army Reserve Lt. Col. Ryan Myers, 50, of the 75th Innovation Command in Houston, Texas, died Nov. 25.

Air Force Tech Sgt. Nevin Tauchus, 30, of the 822nd Base Defense Squadron, 93rd Air Ground Operations Wing at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, died Nov. 26.

New Jersey Air National Guard Tech Sgt. Sean Romero, 44, of the 177th Fighter Wing, died Dec. 3.

Army Reserve Sgt. 1st Class Ray Vucinaj, 50, of the 5032nd U.S. Army Reserve School in Flint, Michigan, died Dec. 11.

Thank you to everyone who replied. I’m still not quite sure how to word it.

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I wish he’d stuck to clean water. It makes me sick what has happened to him.


I just got a text back from my guy apologizing for his long call day, then writing the following:

We give Covid patients monoclonal antibodies, decadron, remdesivir, and/or baricitinib (Olumiant). These are all quite expensive, but I don’t know the number.

We also use oxygen, lasix, and lovenox. At times they may also need cough medications (guaifenesin, robitussin), duonebs, or antibiotics (ceftiaxone, doxycycline). Not sure all the brand names and whatnot, but if you add these costs to the cost of a hospital room (or ICU room) for 2 or more weeks then it is quite a price tag.

That ends his text. Any spelling errors are likely mine as I’m trying to type and read with old eyes and an old brain!

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That’s both scary and sad. It amazes me just how much influence one person can have on so many others - no medical or science background needed - just a name and a bizarre thought totally ignoring data.


I made the mistake of looking at a FB page of COVID denier. They actually think that they have science on their side. They live in a world of alternative data, in when 95% of something of all COVID deaths are not because of COVID, a world in which thousands are dying because of the vaccines, a world in which people are dying form wearing masks.

They keep on quoting the same discredited 3 studies and the same debunked 5 “scientists”.

They are convinced that those five figures are either Lone Holdouts In A Sea Of Sellouts To Big Pharma, or, that these represent the majority of scientists who Are Being Silenced By The Powers Of Big Pharma.

Most are also convinced that the 2020 elections were “stolen”, BTW, and tend to mix their rejection of the vaccines and masks with their rejection of the results of the election.

PS. This is a specific segment of the COVID deniers. As has been pointed out, the skepticism of this particular vaccine among many minority communities has a very different background, and did not arise as part of partisan politics.


I have neighbors and extended family with the same beliefs. They’re so set in their bias that they can’t objectively look at the data out there.

My only hope is that some of the local severe cases and deaths will open their eyes. There’s an article in our local paper today about how the hospital is more overrun now than ever before during the pandemic. Our county is around 50% vax rate.

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I have a few concerns with Omicron and it’s possibly negative impact on vaccine/booster uptake.

  • IF Omicron is more mild, fewer people are likely to get vaccinated/boosted.

  • IF we are headed again to a place with increasing restrictions, including for vaccinated peeps (maybe even quarantining for vaccinated who are close contacts could be in the cards), this too could result in fewer getting vaccinated/boosted

I don’t really see those who are still unvaccinated getting vaccinated at this point. Personally I am just exhausted with vaccinated people being penalized/suffering due to the selfishness of others.


I agree. And expected to respect their “right” to make a choice that’s dangerous.


Me, too! I have no interest in trying to understand why people refuse to get vaccinated. There are a number of them in my area. I would be quite happy if the unvaccinated were greatly restricted in what they could do.

One thing I wonder about is what’s going to happen with the new antivirals once Omicron really hits us in the U.S. I’d heard there would be an initial shortage. Pfizer’s superior antiviral hasn’t been approved yet. So what happens when there is a shortage? I’d like to see the unvaxxed who didn’t trust in science for the vaccines to be put to the back of the line for the antivirals. I’d also like to see them being put to the back of the line for hospital care.

I wouldn’t mind if mask mandates and social distancing/capacity restrictions returned, either. I wear a mask whenever I’m out in public, even though I’m vaxxed and boosted.

I have done the right thing all along. My life has been pretty restricted since the start of covid. I’m tired of it.


AT colleges, where 95% and up are vaccinated there is a real uptick in cases and spreading amoungst the vaccinated and even boostered. So this is showing the unvaccinated, that the vaccines “dont work” to prevent getting it. And many antivaxers dont think they would get that sick anyway.
The vaccines have been great in keeping people out of the hospital and dying, but honestly it has not stopped the spread. There are countries that are almost fully vaccinated and they are also seeing a rise in cases. So now its “get boostered”, and in 6 months, “get boostered again”. I have a friend that has been on the edge of should I vaccinate or not (had covid last spring and was not that bad). Watching the new variant now spread even with the vaccinated has basically pushed back her desire to get vaccinated now. She does not work (SAHM) , so noone is mandating that she needs to be.
A year ago up until around June it looked like the vaccines were the answer. Now its no longer fully true. They help but we might be in a worse place this winter than last. The Reluctant see this. If the vaccines had continued to work against Delta and this new variant like they did against the original and Alpha and we are the relectant would likely have come to the vaccinated side.


I’m in the Atlanta airport, eating at TGI Friday. Every other table is left empty for social distancing. But the bar in the restaurant is just packed with people, shoulder to shoulder. So odd.

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At least you have a choice. Crowded Bar or SD table :slight_smile:

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I would dare say that all these meds are giving more money to “Big Pharma” than 2 vaccines and a booster. But people believe what they want to believe. Ugh.


It does not help that biotech’s been actively encouraged to Gecko it up for nearly three decades now. I stopped watching an MIT edX pharma economics course because the prof’s attitude was so gaggingly reprehensible and he thought he was a good guy. Socially responsible, not like some of the bandits out there. It’s just that, well, economics demands you value things accurately, and what value a life? So hand it over, sicko! Or die, up to you to assign value, it’s a free country.

I think it would make it easier to have the discussion on the importance of getting vaccinated. As it is, any argument I might have for getting vaccinated beyond it “seems” to lower the chance of severe symptoms has been rendered fairly impotent. I am vaccinated and boostered but beyond the original outbreak of covid the vaccine does not live up to it’s original promise. I know far more vaccinated people who have gotten Covid than unvaccinated people. On the whole none of them have gotten severely ill though most of the unvaccinated people I know who have gotten Covid have also not gotten severely ill. Everyone can make their own decision and I think it is important that I am vaccinated. Coming off as self righteous will likely do little to persuade someone who is reluctant to get the vaccine.


Exactly. They have changed my life and are ruining my retirement years.
My husband and I marvel now at our naivety. When the vaccines were coming out early this year, we were just sure EVERYONE would beat a path to get one and we’d be on the road to success in getting back to normal.


Cleveland Clinic has lost all respect from me. Were also apparently very lax about enforcing test and masking requirements at last year’s debates. Not sure what’s going on there, but they are really injuring their reputation.


They were on my guy’s residency list. I’m finding myself glad he ranked them quite low and matched much higher. He told me why he ranked them lower, so I’m not surprised with what they are doing. They may have a tough time getting people to work there.

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