Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

I don’t either and that’s why we’ve mostly returned to normal ourselves, trusting the vaccines/boosters to keep us from getting anything severe.

Even with FIL, since he won’t get the booster and willingly has unvaxxed BIL come visit plus goes out to eat the same as always, we’ve given up worrying about what we do before our visits. We wouldn’t go there if we were symptomatic, but that’s the same as if we had colds or the flu and delayed visiting.

He’s made his choice.

FWIW, we’ll still willingly wear masks if a place asks us to via sign or whatever (doesn’t have to be required - just asked), or if a significant number of others are (not necessarily a majority). My Christian faith says I should obey gov’t orders and I should be nice to others. Doing so is part of my life and always will be. But if others aren’t wearing masks (and there’s no sign asking us to do so), we don’t either.


Generally, we won’t get together with folks who are not vaccinated. We have not had the issue with family members, so I don’t know what would have happened if either parent had chosen not to get vaccinated. But other than that, I don’t think we are doing much of anything with folks who are not vaccinated. One of the workers who is supposed to be doing framing in our renovation is not vaccinated (we really like him) but he can’t come into our side of the house and we aren’t going to interact with him, but he has been out for over a week now with pneumonia (or pneumonia-like symptoms). So who knows?

We’ve been invited to a birthday party (70th or 65th?) for a friend. The husband, who used to be a hospital CEO, has asked everyone to a) send vax certificates and b) get a BinaxNow test the day of the party.


I do not work for Cleveland Clinic or have an association with it other than it’s in my state and I work indirectly with/for a program they have on board, but I would just say don’t be too quick to judge HEALTH PROVIDERS in the same boat as HEALTH SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION. You can get excellence in care from the people that matter - the hands and minds that treat patients even in a administratively wonky system.

Consumer choices of course!

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Thank you for this! I have a family member who has worked at The Clinic for years. It’s one of the most recognized names in health care not just in the United States but internationally and they have many many VIP’s from around the world who have been treated there.

If you have a hard to diagnose or unusual health problem, they are one of the places you would go.

It’s not for everyone, few very large hospital systems are. I do not agree with their vaccine lack of mandate but I’m sure I’m not qualified to know why they made that decision.

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I think because of their stellar reputation is why I’m so taken aback by their vaccine stances. They put a lot of people at risk during the debates by refusing to stand by protocols, and now they are putting people at risk with vaccine laxness. I totally understand that it is administrative, but when you have a national reputation (in my mind, I had thought of them as akin to the Mayo Clinic), these kinds of higher up decisions really can do harm to the reputation.


Probably means that a vaccine “lockout” or “strike” would mean that their remaining vaccinated staff would be unable to meet the clinic’s needs and obligations even in the short term. They are in a state where vaccination rate is not particularly high, so “locking out” unvaccinated employees or seeing them “strike” will probably leave them unable to fulfill their needs and obligations.


Correct. The CEO, who is also an MD, predicted such a thing in the summer when asked about a the possibility of an employee mandate. The Admin could play vax hard ball, but then have to start closing units when they didn’t have enough staffing.

As an example, a NY hospital had to close its ED for a few weeks due to shortages resulting from New York’s vax mandate.

(not sure why the link doesn’t work. Is Becker’s Hopstial Revew on cc’s naughty list?)

This makes much more sense to me than being so careful before seeing him, when he didn’t care himself.


It was a tough decision for H to make. I’ve gotten so I don’t care anymore. Everyone has had their chance to make their decision.

I’d still care if folks couldn’t get vaxxed or had other immunocompromised issues and were trying their best to avoid Covid.

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I’m actually really glad to see the shakeout from the vax mandates. I know it’s a terrible staffing problem right now. As a longer-term thing, though, I think it can only do good.

I’ve worked with nursing students, pre-nursing/OT/PT/etc. students, and been an unfortunate visitor to a teaching hospital for decades. The docs are generally fine. The nurses and associated staff are, much too often, terrifying in their ignorance. I’ve seen them do serious damage out of ignorance and unwillingness to learn, and if I hadn’t been able to advocate for myself, I’d have been permanently injured, too.

If I’m going to generalize, I will say that the average nursing student of my acquaintance bakes a mean plate of cookies, but these are not in general people I would want taking care of me when I’m seriously ill. The good ones are stellar; there just aren’t enough of them. If it means we have to pay serious wages, beat the docs into according respect, and make non-health-and-life-wrecking careers to attract and retain more good people, fine. Not a problem as far as I’m concerned.

Shaking out the most ignorant among them sounds 100% fine to me. They shouldn’t have been in nursing in the first place.


I’ve had similar experiences with nurses when my son is hospitalized. I’ve actually complained to the supervising doctors in the past. Not following doctor’s orders with a psychiatric patient is not good! Ugh. I have to keep a constant eye on his care.


Meet Azza Gadir, The Vaccine Whisperer

This immunologist has a 97 percent success rate for convincing COVID-vax-hesitant people to get the shot. She can teach you how to support the wary people in your life.


This is very good. Key here is that she’s talking with people who want to be convinced – they’re genuinely hesitant, not resistant. But that’s a lot of people.


Re: the vaccine hesitant. I was in NYC during Thanksgiving week and the local airwaves had plenty of TV commercials urging folks to get vaxxed, and the State smartly used different commercials for different demographics. I thought they were well done, but then I’m in the fully vaccinated+booster choir.

Back home in CA, I rarely see such an ad, and when I do, it’s the State Public Health director speaking. I’m sure she’s a fine doc/admin, but marketing/advertising is not her thing. Particularly disappointed as CA has a multi-billion dollar budget surplus, so spending more on outreach could be easily done.

Anyone seen any #'s on the success of public service ad campaigns?

Not being much of a TV watcher, I do see vaccination ads on social media and on billboards and the like.

However, it is possible that the remaining unvaccinated may be either:

  • Resistant / opposed (no advertising will convince them).
  • Hard to reach through the usual advertising channels, so finding different ways to reach them may be necessary.

Not to mention acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin, antacids… I too am puzzled!


Not how propaganda works – you’re looking for reasoning when the idea is snappy sloganeering.

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Oh boy, is this going to go poorly. I’m in a well-educated area that’s a high-vax place when the students aren’t around. Students have left, I dash into a store, and all these adults are wandering around maskless.

Real glad I stocked up on Binax, better see if I can get another box of duckbills…yup, no problem.

I really never liked 19th-c America.

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NYC is having a major outbreak but expects to go ahead with its Times Square NYE celebration in under 2 weeks.

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What’s the over under on that :wink:?